
Monday, April 29, 2013

Beautiful Spring in South Korea - ToSokChon Ginseng Chicken Restaurant (Day 1, 04 Apr 2013)

After watching the royal changing guards ceremony in Gyeongbokgung Palace 景福宫, we headed to ToSokChon Ginseng Chicken Restaurant 土俗村人参鸡 to have our late lunch (around 4 pm =.=).

This authentic Korean restaurant is designed in a very unique and traditional way. I love the pink cherry blossom trees which planted in the center of the restaurant! I enjoyed a lot to eat the delicious food in this cozy environment. We ordered the signature food of this restaurant - Ginseng Chicken Soup and Ginseng Roasted Chicken. I preferred the Ginseng  Roasted Chicken more personally, because I felt the roasted chicken meat was more tastier :P

Let me show you more delicious photos of the food we ordered in this restaurant... Hope that you won't feel hungry after seeing these pictures :P

ToSokChon Ginseng Chicken Restaurant 土俗村人参鸡 - The restaurant is just located near Gyeongbokgung Palace 景福宫
ToSokChon Ginseng Chicken Restaurant 土俗村人参鸡 - The interior of the restaurant, looks very traditional and cozy
ToSokChon Ginseng Chicken Restaurant 土俗村人参鸡 - Free and refillable Kimchi and pickled radish. I preferred the pickled radish, as it was sweet and not too spicy and sour. The Kimchi was not bad too, as I don't really like to eat chili stuff normally, however I still can accept the taste of this Kimchi.
ToSokChon Ginseng Chicken Restaurant 土俗村人参鸡 - The menu
ToSokChon Ginseng Chicken Restaurant 土俗村人参鸡 - The delicious Ginseng Chicken Soup is made with glutinous rice, gingko nuts, ginseng, garlic, jujube and other herbs. We didn't eat the big Ginseng which was inside the chicken as recommended by my friend...
ToSokChon Ginseng Chicken Restaurant 土俗村人参鸡 - Another delicious dish - Ginseng Roasted Chicken
ToSokChon Ginseng Chicken Restaurant 土俗村人参鸡 - Me enjoying with the delicious and tasty food... Yummy :)
ToSokChon Ginseng Chicken Restaurant 土俗村人参鸡 - In love with this pink cherry blossoms planted in the restaurant...Love the scent of the flowers :)
ToSokChon Ginseng Chicken Restaurant 土俗村人参鸡 - Another dark pink cherry blossoms
ToSokChon Ginseng Chicken Restaurant 土俗村人参鸡 - Of course I won't miss the chance to take photo with the beautiful cherry blossoms
ToSokChon Ginseng Chicken Restaurant 土俗村人参鸡 - Pink cherry blossoms over my head!! So happy...(发花癫中...) haha :P
ToSokChon Ginseng Chicken Restaurant 土俗村人参鸡 - So many ginseng!

Beautiful Spring in South Korea - Gyeongbokgung Palace (Day 1, 04 Apr 2013)

I've been busy during the past few days to plan my upcoming travel trip... In order to book the best value accommodations, I spent some time to do research and made me lack of sleep now :( However, finally I found some time to continue to update my South Korea travelogue :)

Since the itinerary of this South Korea trip was planned by my friend who very experienced in planning free and easy trip, therefore, I didn't do much research before traveling to Korea. Most of the time, I just followed closely with my friends especially in the Seoul subway. During peak hours, the subway in Seoul are always crowded, therefore it is very easily to get lost in the crowd. I'm glad that my friends are very kind to take care of me :)

In Seoul, most of the time we just took the subway to reach the tourist spots, which is very convenient to us. I observed that most of the Koreans are generally have fair skin, tall and slim (both female and male)... So envy with their long and slim legs :P Just same like those K-pop singers I watched in the MTV :P Maybe they always eat Kimchi and walk on the subway staircases and make their legs so slim :P Haha...

Once we reached our guest house - Namsan 2 Guest House in Myeongdong 明洞, we left our baggage at the entrance of the guest house and directly took the subway to Gyeongbokgung Palace 景福宫. The guest house we stayed is very strategically located near the Seoul metro station, which is just about 3 minutes walk. I felt the Seoul metro network is quite complicated, you have to recognize the destination you want to go by checking the direction of the train where the last station it will stop at.

Since I didn't do much research for this trip, therefore I felt like I learned a lot about Korean culture and their history in Gyeongbokgung Palace 景福宫 through the free Chinese speaking guide. Our guide brought us to visit around the areas of Gyeongbokgung Palace 景福宫 and explained the Korea culture and the stories of the palace to us. I really enjoyed the guided tour in the palace :) In addition, we also watched the royal changing of the guards ceremony of Gwanghuamun 光化门 gate. I felt like I was placed in the era of Korean dynasty :P I'd captured some videos of this ceremony too, please scroll down to view it, if you have some free time :)

My breakfast - Banana Milk (recommended by my friend), very smooth and sweet. Bought it at the GS25 convenient store that nearby our guest house.
Beautiful flowers near the entrance of Myeongdong 明洞 metro station
Myeongdong 明洞 metro station - We were waiting for the next train to go to Gyeongbokgung 景福宫
Finally we reached the metro station near Gyeongbokgung 景福宫. Some ancient architectures are  displayed at the metro station.
The description of this door stated that after you pass through it, you will be forever young :) haha :P
Yay! Finally, we reached Gyeongbokgung 景福宫. Since we found out that if we purchase group tickets (more than 10 persons), the ticket price is cheaper (KRW 2,400). Therefore, we quickly grabbed other visitors to purchase the cheaper tickets together :P
The Main and South Gate of Gyeongbokgung 景福宫 - Guanghwamun 光化门
The Second Inner Gate of Gyeongbokgung 景福宫 - Heungyemun 兴礼门
Bought our cheaper ticket to visit Gyeongbokgung 景福宫. It was a good sunny day to visit the palace :) 
While waiting for the Chinese speaking guide of Gyeongbokgung 景福宫, we spent some time to capture photos around the palace
Our Chinese speaking guide of Gyeongbokgung 景福宫. She was explaining the map of Gyeongbokgung 景福宫. I like her traditional Korean dress, very cute :P
Geunjeongjeon 勤政殿 - I think this Gyeongbokgung 景福宫 is the famous shooting scene of many Korean dramas that I'd watched before
The king's seat 龙椅!
Other buildings in Gyeongbokgung 景福宫
Gyeonghoeru 庆会楼 - The hall that used to hold important and special state banquets during the Joseon Dynasty. I felt this place is really breathtaking! Love this scene!
Look at our Chinese speaking guide, she is so cute :)
According to the Chinese speaking guide, the main actress Lee Young Ae 李英爱 of the famous Korean drama - Dae Jang-Geum 大长今 is her high school mate!!
After the guided tour has ended, we strolled around the garden behind the palace! The first cherry blossom tree we saw in Seoul!
The royal guards of Guanghwamun 光化门.
So shy to take photos with the royal guards of Guanghwamun 光化门. They are very tall and they looked very serious :P
While waiting for the royal changing guards ceremony to be started around 3 pm, we visited the museum. Antique car displayed in the museum.
The royal changing guards ceremony of Guanghwamun 光化门 around 3 pm
The royal changing guards ceremony of Guanghwamun 光化门
The royal changing guards ceremony of Guanghwamun 光化门

The royal changing guards ceremony of Guanghwamun 光化门 video - Part 1
The royal changing guards ceremony of Guanghwamun 光化门  video - Part 2
Dedicate the K-pop song below (♫ TEEN TOP - Miss Right ♫) for this post, very catchy song :P:

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Beautiful Spring in South Korea - Depart to Incheon Airport, Seoul (Day 0, 03 Apr 2013)

It is the first time I travelled to the four seasons country during spring time. I love to see beautiful flowers, therefore during last year, when I heard my friends were planning the trip to Korea during spring to see cherry blossoms, I was excited and wanted to follow them to go together too!! I wish that one day I could see Sakura flowers in Japan too :P

Lucky for us that we able to book the cheap flight tickets to fly to South Korea. We visited 2 main tourist spot cities of South Korea - Seoul and Jeju Island. Before the trip, we checked the clothing guide during spring in South Korea, and the guide stated that cardigans, long sleeve shirt, long pants and scarf are recommended during spring in Korea. However, few days before the trip, I checked the weather forecast, the lowest degree was just 5 degrees of Celcius, OMG... The weather was just like winter season!! And the worst part was I didn't bring any gloves and winter jacket. I only fought the cold weather with my faux leather jacket and a long john shirt :(

Once we reached Incheon International Airport at Seoul, after we claimed our baggage, then we met with the driver we hired to transfer us to our guest house. Once we stepped outside the airport, the cold wind blew to us and I felt extremely cold!! :S The cold breeze was colder than the air flows out from the fridge! It took 1 hour journey to reach our guest house. We all were so tired after the long hours flight, therefore most of us slept in the car...

We took AirAsia X flight to Seoul in the midnight
After around 7 hours, we reached Seoul and beautiful sunrise welcomed us!
On the way to claim our baggage in Incheon Airport, Seoul
Quite some distance to reach the baggage claim area (Look at my tired face :S)
Four seasons sceneries of South Korea advertisement board in the airport
Waiting for the next train to go to another hall to claim our baggage
Yay! Found my luggages very quickly :)
Finally we reached the arrival hall!!
Cold wind welcomed us outside the airport :S

Beautiful Spring in South Korea (03 Apr - 12 Apr 2013 - Tour Details)

Places Visited:

Day 0 (03-Apr-2013, Wed) - Kuala Lumpur -> Seoul:

- Departed from Kuala Lumpur LCCT airport (Air Asia X Flight) at 12:50 am
- Total flight hours: 6 hours and 40 minutes

    Day 1 (04-Apr-2013, Thu) - Kuala Lumpur -> Seoul:

    Morning - 
    • Reached Incheon International Airport, Seoul at 8:30 am (South Korea time is 1 hour earlier than KL time)
    • Transferred to Namsan 2 Guest House (around 1 hour journey)
    • Left our baggage at the entrance of guest house and started our journey
    Afternoon -
    • Gyeongbokgung Palace 景福宫 - Joined the free Chinese guide to visit the palace and understand more about ancient Korea Dynasty and Korean culture
    • Lunch at ToSokChon Ginseng Chicken Restaurant 土俗村人参鸡 - Very delicious ginseng chicken soup and ginseng BBQ chicken! :)
    Evening -
    • Insadong P.R. Center 仁寺洞旅游中心 - Wanted to try the Hanbok Experience, but we reached there too late and it is not free anymore :(
    • Visited Jogyesa Buddhist Temple 曹溪寺
    • Insadong Ssamziegel 仁寺洞森吉街
      Night -
      • Gwanghwamun Square 光化门广场 - Didn't see the light effects on that night :(
      • Shopped at Lotte Mart supermarket at Seoul Station
      Refer to My Posts: 
      (a) Beautiful Spring in South Korea - Depart to Incheon Airport, Seoul (Day 0, 03 Apr 2013)
      (b) Beautiful Spring in South Korea - Gyeongbokgung Palace (Day 1, 04 Apr 2013)
      (c) Beautiful Spring in South Korea - ToSokChon Ginseng Chicken Restaurant (Day 1, 04 Apr 2013)
      (d) Beautiful Spring in South Korea - Insadong P.R. Center, Jogyesa Buddhist Temple & Insadong Ssamziegil (Day 1, 04 Apr 2013)
      (e) Beautiful Spring in South Korea - Gwanghwamun Square & Lotte Mart (Day 1, 04 Apr 2013)

        Day 2 (05-Apr-2013, Fri) - Seoul:

        Morning - 
        • Namsangol Hanok Village 南山谷韩屋村 - To try on Hanbok experience 穿韩服
        Afternoon -
        • Lunch at Toppokei MukshiDonna, Anguk - The cheapest lunch we had, very delicious korean rice cake :)  (KRW 3,300 /pax)
        • Gahoe Bukchon Hanok Village 北村韩屋村 (8 Photo Spots) - To take photos of the traditional Korea designed houses
        Evening -
        • Shopping at Dongdaemun 东大门
          Night -
          • Dinner at Doota Shopping mall, Dongdaemun
          • Strolled at Dongdaemun History & Culture Park 东大门历史站
          • Shopped at Myeongdong 明洞 street and night market
          Refer to My Posts: 
          (a) Beautiful Spring in South Korea - Namsangol Hanok Village for Hanbok Experience (Day 2, 05 Apr 2013)
          (b) Beautiful Spring in South Korea - Toppokei Mukshidonna at Anguk (Day 2, 05 Apr 2013)
          (c) Beautiful Spring in South Korea - Gahoe Bukchon Hanok Village (Day 2, 05 Apr 2013)
          (d) Beautiful Spring in South Korea - Dongdaemun, Doota Shopping Mall, Dongdaemun History and Culture Park & Myeongdong Night Market (Day 2, 05 Apr 2013)

            Day 3 (06-Apr-2013, Sat) - Seoul:

            Morning - 
            • Shopped at Namdaemun market 南大门市场
            • Shopped at Ewha Womans University 梨花女子大学
            Afternoon -
            • Lunch at Palsaik Restaurant, Sinchon 新村 - Very delicious BBQ Pork of 8 kind of tastes

            Day 4 (07-Apr-2013, Sun) - Seoul -> Jeju:

            Morning - 
            • Took Air Busan flight (at Gimpo Airport) to Jeju Island at 7:25 am - Had to wake up at 4:00 am :S
            • Reached Jeju Airport at 8:30 am (around 1 hour journey)
            • Yongduam Rock 龙头岩 - Near to Jeju Airport, therefore we took a few photos there very quickly
            • Loveland 爱情主题公园 - Feel a bit like sex museum
            Afternoon -
            • Mysterious Road 神秘道路 - The cars will automatically reverse although the road looks like just flat road
            • Teseum (Teddy Bear Safari) 泰迪雄野生动物园 - A lots of teddy bears and very huge display in this museum!!
            • Songaksan Mountain 松岳山 - Well known for Korean drama 'Dae Jang Geum'  大长今 shooting scene.
            • Sanbang-san Mountain 山房山 - A very beautiful photo shooting spot, beautiful Canola flowers 油菜花 in front of the mountain :)
            Evening -
            • Jeju Glass Castle 玻璃之城 (Glass Museum) - All the display items are made by glass
            • O'sulloc Tea Museum 雪绿茶博物馆 - Didn't spent much time due to we need to rush back to our guest house, else need to pay extra to driver guide for overtime (1 day is max 10 hours). On the way to guest house, we spotted volcanic Halla mountain from far (snow capped mountain :))
            Refer to My Posts: 
            (a) Beautiful Spring in South Korea - Depart to Jeju Airport (Day 4, 07 Apr 2013)
            (b) Beautiful Spring in South Korea - Yongduam Rock & Loveland (Day 4, 07 Apr 2013)
            (c) Beautiful Spring in South Korea - Mysterious Road & Cherry Blossoms Photo Shooting at Roadside (Day 4, 07 Apr 2013)
            (d) Beautiful Spring in South Korea - Teseum (Day 4, 07 Apr 2013)
            (e) Beautiful Spring in South Korea - Songaksan Mountain & Sanbang Mountain (Day 4, 07 Apr 2013)
            (f) Beautiful Spring in South Korea - Jeju Glass Castle (Day 4, 07 Apr 2013)
            (g) Beautiful Spring in South Korea - O'sulloc Tea Museum & Halla Snow Mountain (Day 4, 07 Apr 2013)

              Day 5 (08-Apr-2013, Mon) - Jeju:

              Morning - 
              • Jungmun Daepo Coastal Columnar Jointed Lava 大浦柱状节离
              • Oedolgae Rock 独立岩 - Didn't spend much time because there was a big crowd of tourists which followed guided tour were there :S
              Afternoon -
              • Seongeup Folk Village 城邑民俗村 - Experienced the older times of the Korean village life and culture of Jeju Island
              • 3D Trick Art Museum 3D 奥妙艺术馆 - My digital camera was malfunctioned :( I gotta use my tablet pc to take less better quality of photos :( 
              Evening -
              • Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak 城山日出峰 - UNESCO heritage tourist spot. We didn't climbed up to the mountain as we worried not enough time, although the driver guide said it is just 25 minutes to reach to the peak!!
              • Seopjikoji 涉地可支 - Well known for Korean drama 'All In' shooting scene. Spotted  some couples took their pre-wedding photos in this romantic place which covered by canola flowers field and background of a church
              • Tangerine Chocolate Shop - Recommended by our driver guide, but we didn't spent much time in this shop and no interest to buy anything there...
              • Sangumburi Crater 山君不离 - Not enough time to explore this place, we just visited the entrance of this spot, haha :P

              Day 6 (09-Apr-2013, Tue) - Jeju -> Seoul:

              Morning - 
              • Breakfast at McDonalds restaurant
              • Took Eastar Jet flight (at Jeju Airport) to Seoul at 11:20 am
              • Reached Gimpo Airport (Seoul) at 12:25 pm
              Afternoon -
              • Gwang Jang Market 广藏市场 - To try out the local delicacy there. Love to eat the green bean fried pancake, it was very crispy!
              Evening -
              • Watched Nanta Cooking Show 乱打秀 at ChungJeongno Theater 忠正路剧场 - 90 minutes show, quite fun and entertaining show :)
                Night -
                • Banpodaegyo Bridge Moonlight Rainbow Fountain 盘浦大桥彩虹喷泉 - Musical fountain at the bridge at 8pm. Strong wind and  very cold weather, my fingers' skin were cracked :S
                • Dinner at Gangnam E.B.T Underground Commercial Street 江南高速巴士客运站地下广场
                • Shopped at Gangnam E.B.T Underground Commercial Street 江南高速巴士客运站地下广场
                • Shopped at Myeongdong 明洞 street
                Refer to My Posts: 

                  Day 7 (10-Apr-2013, Wed) - Seoul:

                  Morning - 
                  • Nami Island 南怡岛 - Woke up at 6 am due to long journey (2 hours) to reach there
                  Afternoon -
                  • Petite France 小法国村 - Little Prince themed place :)
                  Evening -
                  • The Garden of Morning Calm 晨静树木园 - Well known for Korean drama 'You're Beautiful' shooting scene. Due to it was raining and cold, we skipped to enter and we just visited at the outside and waited for an hour for the bus :( While waiting for the bus, we spotted snowflake!!

                  Day 8 (11-Apr-2013, Thu) - Seoul:

                  Morning - 
                  • Everland Theme Park 爱宝乐园 - One hour journey to reach there from our guest house at Myeongdong. Not sure what kinda special day on the day we visited there, but we got the buy 1 free 1 promotion for the entrance tickets with only KRW 20,000!! (Normal price is KRW 40,000). And it was Tulip festival, we saw a lot beautiful and nice and big tulip gardens!! :)
                  Afternoon -
                  • Everland Theme Park 爱宝乐园 - Watched Pororo 3D Adventure (at 11 am)
                  • Lunch at Cucina Mario Pizza & Pasta Restaurant - Ordered pizza and pasta
                  • Everland Theme Park 爱宝乐园 - Watched Madagascar Live show (at 12:3o pm, half an hour show), played Mystery Mansion and watched Carnival Fantasy Parade (at 2:30 pm) 
                  Evening -
                  • Everland Theme Park 爱宝乐园 - Visited Bird Paradise, and there was a long queue for the Safari World tour to see the white tigers and bears!
                  • Everland Theme Park 爱宝乐园 - Photo shooting at the Secret Garden which full of tulip flowers. Then, we shopped at the souvenir shops. We skipped to watch the fireworks at night as we worried it would be too late to catch the subway train back to our guest house.

                  Day 9 (12-Apr-2013, Fri) - Seoul -> Kuala Lumpur:

                  Morning - 
                  • Packed our baggage and checked out our guest house at 11 am, then left at the entrance
                  Afternoon -
                  • Lunch at Yoogane Restaurant, Myeongdong 明洞 street - Ate fried toppokei (korean rice cake)
                  • Last chance to shop at Myeongdong 明洞 street
                  Evening -
                  • Depart to Incheon Airport at 1:00 pm
                  • Checked-in our baggages, then did tax refund, lastly shopped at duty free shops
                  • Flight departure to Kuala Lumpur at 5:15 pm
                    Night -
                    • Home sweet home :) - Arrived at LCCT at 11:05 pm
                    Refer to My Posts: 
                    (a) Beautiful Spring in South Korea - Myeongdong Street (Day 9, 12 Apr 2013)

                      Tour Expenses:
                      • Transportations:
                      • Flight tickets (by AirAsiaX) + Baggage + Insurance - RM 725.90  /pax
                      • Van transfer to LCCT - RM 21.70 /pax
                      • Van transfer (from Incheon Airport to Namsan 2 Guest House) = KRW 12,500 /pax
                      • T-Money card - KRW 2,500
                      • Seoul metro fare and bus fare (using T-Money card) - KRW 28,750
                      • Van transfer (from Namsan 2 Guest House to Gimpo Airport) - KRW 7,500 /pax
                      • Flight tickets (Air Busan - Seoul -> Jeju) + (Eastar Jet - Jeju -> Seoul) - RM 207.00
                      • Jeju driver guide fees - KRW 60,000 /pax
                      • Van transfer (from Gimpo Airport to Namsan 2 Guest House) - KRW  7,500 /pax
                      • Gyeonggi shuttle bus (to Nami Island) - KRW 5,000
                      • Taxi fare (from Lotte Mart to Namsan 2 Guest House, 2 times) - KRW 2,350 /pax
                      • T-Money card balance refund processing fees - KRW 500
                      • Van transfer (from Namsan 2 Guest House to Incheon Airport) - KRW 12,500 /pax
                      • Accommodations:
                      • (Seoul - 6N) Namsan 2 Guest House - KRW 165,000 /pax
                      • (Jeju Island - 1N) White Scenery Guest House - KRW 30,000 /pax
                      • (Jeju Island - 1N) Neulsong Parktel Guest House - KRW 25,000 /pax
                      • Entrance Fees:
                      • (1) Gyeongbokgung Palace - KRW 2,400
                      • (2) Hanbok Experience (at Namsangol Hanok Village) - KRW 3,300
                      • (3) Jeju Loveland - KRW 9,000
                      • (4) Teseum - KRW 8,000
                      • (5) Jeju Glass Castle - KRW 9,000
                      • (6) Jungmun Daepo Coastal Columnar Jointed Lava - KRW 2,000
                      • (7) 3D Trick Art Museum - KRW 8,000
                      • (8) Nanta Cooking Show - RM 108.00
                      • (9) Nami Island (included with ferry tickets) - KRW 8,000
                      • (10) Petite France - KRW 6,000
                      • (11) Everland Theme Park - KRW 20,000 (special day - buy 1 free 1 promotion, normal price = KRW 40,000)
                      • Food and Meals - KRW 119,730 + RM 1.50
                      • Shopping:
                      • (1) Souvenirs and others - KRW 43,500
                      • (2) Skin care and cosmetics products - KRW 277,740
                      • (3) Clothes and accessories - KRW 29,510
                      • (4) Snacks and biscuits - KRW 51,750
                      • TOTAL = KRW 957,030  (rate: 0.0029) + RM 1,064.10
                      • = RM 3,839.49

                      Monday, April 1, 2013

                      Hot Air Balloon Fiesta 2013 at Putrajaya (31 Mar 2013)

                      It's been quite some days I didn't update my blog... I'd been recently busy with my work, attending my friend's wedding, preparing my travel trip that is coming soon... I wish I have more time to complete more things in a day, or maybe I should improve my time management skills... haha...

                      It is the second time I visited Hot Air Balloon Fiesta! Due to I overslept, therefore we reached there about 8:30 am, which is late by 1 hour plus... So, again I missed the chance to see more beautiful hot air balloons flying to the sky :( (Especially for the 'Smurf' design one) But anyway, I'm still happy to see some cute hot air balloons which I didn't see in the last year... I wish that one day I could ride on the hot air balloon in Turkey :)

                      The sky was gloomy but very hot and my body was non-stop sweating!! However, it is preferable to be hot and sunny day rather than rainy day for this event. Else, the Hot Air Balloon Flying Show will be cancelled. This time we managed to queue up and take some beautiful photos inside the hot air balloon!! It is quite a nice experience :)

                      For more information, you may refer to the official website by clicking here.

                      We took KLIA transit to Putrajaya to see Hot Air Balloon Fiesta, and it has 30% discount for the visitors that going to the event. Return trip ticket is cost RM 7 (normal price: RM 5.50 per way)
                      The train to Putrajaya is finally coming... 10 minutes can reach Putrajaya
                      Some hot air balloons for the public to ride... (RM 20 per ride)
                      Me with some beautiful hot air balloons
                      Did you spot some para motors behind the hot air balloons?
                      Cat head hot air balloons from the far...
                      Hot air balloons were rising from the ground to sky
                      Helicopter ride for the public (Tickets have to be pre-booked online, RM 130 per seater)
                      Eh... I spotted Psy (singer of 'Gangnam Style' song ) helium balloon!
                      The cutest hot air balloon which I like for this year's hot air balloon fiesta!! Felix The Cat's head balloon (from China) is so cute!
                      Kids Orb (RM 10 per entry)
                      Bumper Orb (RM 10 per entry)
                      Bumper Orb
                      KMX Kart (RM 15 per ride)
                      Wall Climbing (RM 15)
                      Me viewing the beautiful Putrajaya lake...
                      Another view of Putrajaya lake...
                      Funny me... haha :P
                      First time experience to walk inside the balloon!! :) (RM 2 for 3 minutes visit)
                      YAY! I'm inside the colourful balloon!!
                      Outer view of the colourful balloon!!
                      Kid's playground - Inflatables (RM 5 per entry)
                      Roadside banners of Hot Air Balloon Fiesta 2013
                      Me at Putrajaya under the super hot sun!
                      Goodbye Putrajaya... Finally I can sit inside and rest a while in the KLIA transit coach with the cozy seat and cold aircond :)

                      It's midnight now... Time to sleep, good nite... Dedicate this song that I hear repeatedly recently to this post - ♫ Beast - Midnight ♫: