
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Discover City Life in Hong Kong Trip - Time Square, Hong Kong Tramways and Lan Kwai Fong (Day 6, 08 Sep - 14 Sep 2012)

As sunset was approaching, and since we'd done shopping in 东荟城名店仓 Citygate Outlets, so we headed to the next stop - 时代广场 Time Square. The purpose we went there was just photo taking and also wanted to experience the 叮叮电车Ding Ding tram car ride!!

I'd spent some time to find the correct tramways station in order to hop on the tram car to 中环 Central area. After we walked about 10 minutes, finally we found the tramways station where its direction is going to 中环 Central area.

Once the tram car was arrived, we quickly got up to the top level of the tram car. During that time, the tram car was quite crowded, I couldn't find a seat :( However, I still enjoyed viewing the Hong Kong city at night from tram car. It was really a pleasant night...

铜锣湾 Causeway Bay MTR station - Walking to the exit A to 时代广场 Time Square
铜锣湾 Causeway Bay MTR station - Nearly reach the exit A to 时代广场 Time Square
铜锣湾 Causeway Bay MTR station - On the way, spotted 木村拓哉 Takuya Kimura's commercial. It's been a long time to see him again :) Still remember the touching story of the Japanese drama - "Love Generation"
时代广场 Time Square shopping mall - Finally we reached here... Super bling bling shop!!
Outdoor of 时代广场 Time Square shopping mall - After done 'window shopping', time to go out for photo shooting... Spotted a very familiar 金城武 Takeshi Kaneshiro's advertisement :)
Outdoor of 时代广场 Time Square shopping mall - Hard to find a good spot to take picture since too many people were passing by...
Outdoor of 时代广场 Time Square shopping mall - The building is too tall, unable to capture the whole building :(
叮叮电车 Ding Ding tram car station, 铜锣湾 Causeway Bay - Still finding the correct station that heading to 中环 Central direction
叮叮电车 Ding Ding tram car station, 铜锣湾 Causeway Bay - Nearer view of the Ding Ding tram car
叮叮电车 Ding Ding tram car station, 铜锣湾 Causeway Bay - Finally we found the correct station. We will be travelled from 50W 坚拿道西 Canal Road West station to 70W 毕打街 Pedder Street station
叮叮电车 Ding Ding tram car - Yay!! Got up to the top level of the tram car, but no seat for me :(
叮叮电车 Ding Ding tram car - After passed by a few stations, finally I found a place to sit and rest my tired legs...

After we'd got off from the tram car and stopped at Central area, the destination we were going to was 兰桂坊 Lan Kwai Fong. 兰桂坊 Lan Kwai Fong - this name is always mention in the Hong Kong dramas, therefore I wanted to pay a visit of this place and have a feel of the Hong Kong people's night life...

But, I came here only for photo shooting and not for the pubs... Most of the local working adults came here to relax themselves after a hectic working day, so you will notice that most of them should be well dressed. Well, I think I was under-dressed, but since I'm just a tourist, so I don't care... :P

Coach store, Central - After passed by this store, we will reach 兰桂坊 Lan Kwai Fong soon...
兰桂坊 Lan Kwai Fong - Yay! I'm at this famous night street!
兰桂坊 Lan Kwai Fong - A busy night street!

Since this was the last night that we spent in Hong Kong for the trip, and we missed the delicious desserts, so we decided to eat dessert soup again just right after the previous night at 大良八记 dessert shop. Miss the smooth and yummy dessert soup now...

大良八记 dessert shop, Wong Kok
大良八记 dessert shop, Wong Kok - 鸳鸯双拼 (合桃糊 + 芝麻糊), this is the one I ordered, yummy :)
大良八记 dessert shop, Wong Kok - 合桃糊豆腐花
大良八记 dessert shop, Wong Kok - 芒果凉粉

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