
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Discover City Life in Hong Kong Trip - Ngong Ping 360 and Citygate Outlet (Day 6, 08 Sep - 14 Sep 2012)

Egg tart was one of the food we haven't tried out after we spent so many days in Hong Kong. During this day, finally we can taste the famous egg tart and 菠萝油 'Bo Loh' bun for breakfast in Hong Kong at Wong Kok area.

Maybe most of the famous food in Hong Kong are a bit over commercialized, therefore I feel that the price of the famous food are mostly more expensive. However, since we already came here from so far away, we should try out the food too. So far, those food that highly recommended by the travel book and internet didn't disappointed us.

金华冰厅, Wong Kok - Had our breakfast here
金华冰厅, Wong Kok - (top left) 西多士 French toast (bottom left) 菠萝油 Bo Loh bun (middle) 檀岛咖啡 Coffee - maybe I'm not coffee type of person, not really special taste for me, I still prefer tea, should order milk tea instead (top right) 酥皮蛋挞 egg tart (bottom right) 菠萝餐包

After having delicious breakfast, we headed to 昂坪360 Ngong Ping 360. We spent more than half an hour to queue up and purchase the cable car and entrance tickets. We experienced the 水晶厢缆车 crystal cabin cable car ride, it was really awesome that you can see the spectacular view of the hill and sea from the transparent glass of the bottom of the cable car.

Besides the cable car ride, another must see attraction of course is the world's largest outdoor bronze Buddha - 天坛大佛 Tian Tan Buddha statue. In order to have a nearer view of the Buddha, you must climb up 268 staircases. And we did it too!!

After we done photo taking with 天坛大佛 Tian Tan Buddha, suddenly the sky started to rain... So we quickly came down from 天坛大佛 Tian Tan Buddha and we sheltered ourselves in the 宝莲禅寺 Po Lin temple nearby. After the rain was getting lesser, we went to the 昂坪市集 Ngong Ping Village area to tried out the 山水豆腐花 Tau Fu Fa (soya bean curd). I never tasted such a smooth soya bean curd before!! I LOVE it so much... No other soya bean curd can compare to this... MUST try!!

The rain was still heavy after we finished eating, so we went to the souvenir shop and wait for the rain to be stopped. Once the rain getting lesser, we quickly went to the cable car and wanted to leave 昂坪360 Ngong Ping 360. Due to bad weather, unfortunately the cable car service was halted. I was so worried during that time, because the staffs there were arranging bus service to bring the visitors downhill. I don't want to take the bus downhill since I bought the 水晶厢缆车 crystal cabin cable car tickets. I prayed in my heart to Buddha: "Please let us to go downhill with the cable car...". After the queue has reached our turn, luckily the cable car service was resumed. Some of the visitors were clapping hands and cheering during that moment!! Thanks to Buddha to fulfil my wish :) However, due to the rain, we had missed one of the attraction - 心经简林 Wisdom Path...

Queuing up to purchase Ngong Ping cable car and Ngong Ping 360 entrance tickets
Nearly reach our turn to enter into the crystal cabin cable car :) While queuing I spotted a video shooting crew from TVB, they were going uphill too!
水晶厢缆车 Ngong Ping crystal cabin cable car - Going uphill...
水晶厢缆车 Ngong Ping crystal cabin cable car - Spotted a trekking trail below the cable car
昂坪360 Ngong Ping 360 - Yay!! Finally we reached Ngong Ping 360 after about 30 minutes cable car ride!!
昂坪360 Ngong Ping 360 - Going in there...
昂坪360 Ngong Ping 360 - The TVB crew I spotted just now. The hosts - 糖兄妹 (Not really sure who are them, knew their names from TVB show)
昂坪360 Ngong Ping 360 - 菩提许愿亭 Bodhi Wishing Shrine
昂坪360 Ngong Ping 360 - Ultra Man cable car?!
昂坪360 Ngong Ping 360 - 招财猫 prosperity cat, money money $$$ come!! (Finally I remembered to bring my shade to outdoor!!)
昂坪360 Ngong Ping 360 - Viewing 天坛大佛 Tian Tan Buddha bronze statue from the far
昂坪360 Ngong Ping 360 - Entrance to 天坛大佛 Tian Tan Buddha bronze statue
昂坪360 Ngong Ping 360 - Taking picture with Buddha at the bottom of the hill :)
昂坪360 Ngong Ping 360 - Another picture with Buddha at the bottom of the hill :)
昂坪360 Ngong Ping 360 - Wow!! So many staircases to climb up...
昂坪360 Ngong Ping 360 - Gonna climb up there...
昂坪360 Ngong Ping 360 - Half way there...
昂坪360 Ngong Ping 360 - Getting nearer... Helped a pretty western gal tourist to take photo for her here too :)
昂坪360 Ngong Ping 360 - Awesome big 天坛大佛 Tian Tan Buddha!!
昂坪360 Ngong Ping 360 - Praying to 天坛大佛 Tian Tan Buddha!! Love the spectacular view here :)
昂坪360 Ngong Ping 360 - Nice view from the hill top
昂坪360 Ngong Ping 360 - 宝莲禅寺 Po Lin temple
昂坪360 Ngong Ping 360 - Very very smooth 山水豆腐花 soya bean curd :) LOVE it!!

After we safely reached downhill, we spent some hours shopping in 东荟城名店仓 Citygate Outlets. Most of the branded outlet stores are located here and offering 30% - 70% discounts to the visitors. I bought 2 pieces of clothes from Esprit Outlet and a sling bag from Coach Factory Outlet :)

东荟城名店仓 Citygate Outlets
东荟城名店仓 Citygate Outlets - Many branded Outlet stores can be found here

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