
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Discover City Life in Hong Kong Trip - Goldfish Street and Flower Market (Day 7, 08 Sep - 14 Sep 2012)

Our Hong Kong trip was coming to an end as this day is the last day we spent in Hong Kong. In the morning, we woke up earlier a bit to pack our luggages and prepared to check out the hostel. I felt so reluctant to pack my luggages as my holiday was ending soon too :(

After we put our luggages at the reception area, we still had a couple of hours to explore more about Hong Kong. The next destination we visited was the 金鱼街 'Goldfish Street' at Wong Kok area. Maybe we reached there a bit earlier, so not many shops were opened for business yet. However, I still managed to capture one or two pictures of the street :)

金鱼街 Goldfish Street, Wong Kok
金鱼街 Goldfish Street, Wong Kok - Feel special about the way the shop selling the fishes in packets by hanging there

Since there were not many shops we can visit at 金鱼街 'Goldfish Street', therefore we quickly moved on to the next stop - 花墟 Flower Market.

From 金鱼街 Goldfish Street to 花墟 Flower Market, it is about 20 minutes walking distance. After we walked quite a long journey under the hot sun, finally we can see various beautiful flowers and made my mood felt better since just now I was suffering with the hot weather :) Actually there is a 雀鸟花园 Bird Garden nearby 花墟 Flower Market, but due to time constraints we just skipped that...

花墟 Flower Market, Wong Kok - Following the signage to 花墟 Flower Market
花墟 Flower Market, Wong Kok - We had reached 花墟 Flower Market!!
花墟 Flower Market, Wong Kok
花墟 Flower Market, Wong Kok
花墟 Flower Market, Wong Kok
花墟 Flower Market, Wong Kok - Pink flowers!!
花墟 Flower Market, Wong Kok - Like these sunflowers very much :)
花墟 Flower Market, Wong Kok - Cute birds
花墟 Flower Market, Wong Kok
花墟 Flower Market, Wong Kok
花墟 Flower Market, Wong Kok
花墟 Flower Market, Wong Kok
花墟 Flower Market, Wong Kok - 佛手

After viewing so many beautiful flowers, it was time for us to leave 花墟 Flower Market and headed to 佐敦 Jordon by MTR subway.

On the way, maybe during that time I was thinking some nonsense stuff in the MTR, therefore we mistakenly got off to the wrong station - 尖沙咀 Tsim Tsha Tsui station :(. (I should eliminate this bad habit of thinking too much...haha!) But luckily after I checked again with the map in my travel book, seems that we can just walk from 尖沙咀 Tsim Tsha Tsui to 佐敦 Jordon (takes about 10 to 20 minutes).

Due to my mistake, we coincidently found a stall that was selling very delicious 鸡蛋仔 egg waffle on the way to our lunch venue at 澳洲牛奶公司 Australia Dairy Co. Restaurant. What a beautiful mistake!! Haha :P

圣安德烈堂 St Andrew's Church - While on the way walking from 佐敦 Jordan to 尖沙咀 Tsim Tsha Tsui, spotted this church, but we didn't enter into it
利强记北角鸡蛋仔 shop that selling very delicious 鸡蛋仔 egg waffle
利强记北角鸡蛋仔, 佐敦 Jordan - Eating the 鸡蛋仔 egg waffle - crispy from the outside & soft in the inside
澳洲牛奶公司 Australia Dairy Co. Restaurant, 尖沙咀 Tsim Tsha Tsui
澳洲牛奶公司 Australia Dairy Co. Restaurant, 尖沙咀 Tsim Tsha Tsui - Signature dessert of the shop - 蛋白炖鲜奶 egg white stew with fresh milk. Enjoyed eating it, yum yum...
澳洲牛奶公司 Australia Dairy Co. Restaurant, 尖沙咀 Tsim Tsha Tsui - 杏仁炖蛋白 almond egg white curd
澳洲牛奶公司 Australia Dairy Co. Restaurant, 尖沙咀 Tsim Tsha Tsui - My lunch - 叉烧汤意通 (nothing special to mention about)

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