
Monday, February 3, 2014

Horse Year Chinese New Year at Fo Guang Shan Dong Zen Temple 佛光山东禅寺 (02 Feb 2014)

Happy Chinese New Year to all the people who celebrate it! 祝你马年行大运&万事如意:) A new year has begun, it means that I'm older another year but maybe wiser too! Haha :P Based on the Zodiac 2014 prediction which I watched on TV, the advice is I should focus more on my career for this year! I hope everything will run smoothly for my new job and also the upcoming Europe business trip... Recently I found out that maybe I only can work until max. up to 40 years old in my job industry (I thought this only maybe happen in the entertainment industry!) So, I gotta work harder smarter now!!

During the past few days, I'd been busy tidying up the house and helping out my mum to fry some CNY snacks such as crackers and muruku. I had to stand in front of the hot wok for a few hours! Although it was a tiring task, since it only happens once a year, I was still able to cope with it :) Suddenly I recalled one of the years, I was alone in Germany on a business trip, and I even can't feel anything about the CNY celebration! I celebrated CNY alone with my work! So, I think although during CNY season, many preparations need to be done, it might have become a memorable moment for me!

This year Chinese New Year, I went to visit Dong Zen Temple 东禅寺 again! But this time we were visiting during night time, the place was super crowded, and it was very difficult to capture photos! However, I still captured about 300++ photos! I'm happy to visit Dong Zen Temple 
东禅寺 especially during the Chinese New Year this special occasion! I felt my mood is good after coming back from there, although it is quite a long journey to reach there... Let me share with you the photos now (a lot of photos for this post, BEWARE!!)

#1 - Entrance of Dong Zen Temple 东禅寺 (2014马年主题:骏程万里)

#2 - Many beautiful flowers in Dong Zen Temple 东禅寺

#3 - Carousel in Dong Zen Temple 东禅寺

#4 - Beautiful lighting in Dong Zen Temple 东禅寺

#5 - Back entrance of in Dong Zen Temple 东禅寺





#10 - The monk 唐三藏 and the horse are movable! 玄奘取经。白马驮经

#11 - The Bridge of Faith 信心桥 is behind me!

#12 - The Bridge of Faith 信心桥

#13 - Beautiful lanterns


#15 - Zhuang Yuan (First Scholar) Bridge 状元桥






#21 - Offering of lights 上灯法会



#24 - <放下!放下!> 启示:想要明心见性,就要遵循佛陀的指示,如在悬崖唯有把手放开才能得救,否则拼命执著,佛陀怎能救你脱离险境呢?

#25 - Performance show on the stage

#26 - Wishing Tree 许愿树

#27 - Sea Dragon Palace 龙宫呈祥


#29 - Thousand hands Buddha 千手观音

#30 - I love this horse lighting effect a lot :) Magical feel!

#31 - Beautiful flower garden







#38 - Horses!


#40 - Beautiful yellow flowers!

#41 - Some of the Zodiacs

#42 - Costume Parade 状艺花车游行

#43 - Costume Parade 状艺花车游行

#44 - Costume Parade 状艺花车游行

#45 - Costume Parade 状艺花车游行

#46 - Goodbye Dong Zen Temple 东禅寺, I hope I can visit here again...

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