
Monday, February 3, 2014

Exotic Bali - Goa Gajah (Day 5, 30 Aug 2013)

Our Bali trip finally came to the last day... We only had half of a day to travel around Bali... After we had our breakfast in Bhanuswari Resort and Spa hotel, we prepared to leave Ubud area and headed to Kuta area. The first stop of the Day 5 trip was to visit Goa Gajah (Elephant Cave temple). 'Goa' means 'Cave' and 'Gajah' means 'Elephant'.

This temple is not really a very big area. But there is a small waterfall inside the area! Goa Gajah is one of the UNESCO World Heritage sites in Bali. Therefore, when we reached there, there were quite a number of visitors too! We reached there around 9:15 am, during that time, before we reached the destination, it was drizzling for a while... I was glad that the rain stopped when we were visiting this place! We spent around 1 hour capturing some nice photos in this area...

Last breakfast in Bhanuswari Resort and Spa

Last photo of the beautiful swimming pool in Bhanuswari Resort and Spa

While waiting for our driver, took a few more photos at Bhanuswari Resort and Spa

Some souvenirs stores outside Goa Gajah temple

Going to purchase the entrance ticket to Goa Gajah temple

My entrance ticket of Goa Gajah temple

Announcement board of Goa Gajah temple

Some broken parts of the rock statues gathered here

Beautiful fish pond

Beautiful fish pond

Goa Gajah entrance

Inside the cave of Goa Gajah

Inside the cave of Goa Gajah

Long tree roots! Saw 2 pretty Western girls taking photos of this scene. I followed as well :P

Another shot with the tree roots

Broken rock statue pieces in the small river. I didn't enter the cave behind it, because I worried about my camera might get scratched

Balinese door in Goa Gajah temple

Lovely couple in front of the entrance of Goa Gajah temple

Last photo of Goa Gajah temple before we left

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