
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Exotic Bali - Tea time at Strawberry Stop (Day 3, 28 Aug 2013)

Merry Christmas and happy holiday!! I found some time to update this blog today :)

After we enjoyed the hot spring at Banjar, we moved on to the next destination to have our tea time - Strawberry Stop at Bedugul. Our driver nearly forgot to stop us at this destination, luckily when he drove by the place, he saw his relative's car who also stopped by there with another group of tourists. Then only he recalled that we also wanted to visit this place! After that, he made a turn back to let us visit this place!

Strawberry Stop has a few organic strawberry farms, flower plantations and also a rabbit farm! Bedugul area is suitable for plantations as this place is cold and high above the sea level. I enjoyed a lot of taking photos of the beautiful flowers. However, the strawberry farm is closed and visitors are not allowed to enter the farm. After we viewed the farm, we ordered some strawberry desserts for our tea time.

Before we left this place, my mum bought some fresh organic strawberries here! It is very cheap and sweet! We gave some strawberries to our driver too :)

Entrance to Strawberry Stop

Entrance to Strawberry Stop

Strawberry Stop flower plantation - Flower #1

Strawberry Stop flower plantation - Flower #2

Strawberry Stop flower plantation - Flower #3

Strawberry Stop flower plantation - Flower #4

Strawberry Stop fish pond

Strawberry Stop flower plantation - Flower #5

Strawberry Stop flower plantation - Flower #6

Strawberry Stop flower plantation - Flower #7

Strawberry Stop flower plantation - Flower #8

Strawberry Stop flower plantation - Flower #9

Strawberry Stop flower plantation - Flower #10

Strawberry Stop flower plantation - Flower #11

Strawberry Stop flower plantation - Flower #12

Strawberry Stop flower plantation - Flower #13

Strawberry Stop flower plantation - Flower #14

Strawberry Stop flower plantation - Flower #15

Strawberry Stop - strawberry farm

Strawberry Stop - strawberry farm

Strawberry Stop restaurant

Strawberry Stop restaurant menu (beverages)

Strawberry Stop restaurant menu (food and desserts)

Strawberry with honey

Strawberry pancake with ice cream

My delicious strawberry pancake with ice cream and strawberry milk shake

♫ Song of the day ♫ - (I love to hear Christmas songs because they are warm and joyful :) This video is taken at KLCC, I miss this place as I worked there before for 2 and a half years!)

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