
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Beautiful Spring in South Korea - Everland Theme Park - Part 2 (Day 8, 11 Apr 2013)

I'm back again!! :) Recently, I'm busy with my work and my head is filled up with Robot script's syntax and keywords now!! The worst part is I'm still stuck in debugging mode :( I hope my training trip to Germany is resumed so that I can improve my skills...

So here I'm continuing to update my post on Everland Theme Park in order to relax my mind... You can click here for Part 1 of the Everland Theme Park post. After we had our Italian lunch at the restaurant in the theme park, we continued our exploration of the theme park... We rushed to watch the Madagascar Live show at Grand Stage. The show started at 12:30 pm. Photography and video shooting are prohibited during the show. But at the end of the show, the audience is allowed to take some photos. Overall, I enjoyed watching the show, many cute Madagascar characters appeared!! :) As the whole show was conducted in Korean plus I'm don't really understand Korean, it was a bit hard for me to concentrate :(

Four Seasons Garden, European Adventure - Passed by the beautiful tulip garden. Nice musical instruments kind of flower decoration!

Four Seasons Garden, European Adventure - Cute statues in the tulip garden

European Adventure - Watched Madagascar Live show at 12:30 pm

European Adventure - Before the Madagascar Live circus show started, there was a magic show

European Adventure - End of the Madagascar show, we had a short period of time to take photos of the characters on stage before they bided goodbye to us

European Adventure - End of the Madagascar show video. 'I like to move it, move it...' :P

European Adventure - Madagascar characters at the entrance

After we came out from the Madagascar Live show, we were back in the tulip garden again! We took a lot of beautiful photos in this garden... Too many different colours of tulips that was the first time I had seen them. I was too excited to see beautiful flowers!! Then, we queued up and took a ride on the train to enjoy the whole view of the tulip garden. The train was moving slowly and I had a lot of time to take photos of the tulip garden :)

European Adventure - Festival Train passed by!!

Four Seasons Garden, European Adventure - Very grand and beautiful stage

Four Seasons Garden, European Adventure - Beautiful flowers and nice architecture in the background

Four Seasons Garden, European Adventure - Another part of the tulip garden

Four Seasons Garden, European Adventure - Fake but very cute tree

Four Seasons Garden, European Adventure - Looks like a windmill in Holland

Four Seasons Garden, European Adventure - More and more beautiful tulips

Four Seasons Garden, European Adventure - Me in the flower coach

Four Seasons Garden, European Adventure - By the time we reached here, the show was ended

Four Seasons Garden, European Adventure - Reached our turn to take a ride!! Yay!!

Four Seasons Garden, European Adventure - Nice Holland village view from the train :)

After we took a relaxing ride on the train, we decided not to watch more shows as we can't really understand the Korean language :P So, we went to play some games in the theme park. We chose to play with laser guns and shoot some ghosts at Mystery Mansion. After the end of the game, you can check your score at the entrance area.

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Passed by this Skyway, but the queue was too long, so we gave up

European Adventure - Had fun with laser guns at Mystery Mansion

European Adventure - Our aim was to shoot down the ghosts at Mystery Mansion

After we had the fun playing some games. The more exciting show was coming - Carnival Fantasy Parade!! The show started at 2:30 pm, so we quickly rushed to Carnival Square and picked the best location in order to take nice photos. I took some videos and a lot of pictures during the show, hope you will enjoy them :)

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Schedule board of Carnival Fantasy Parade show

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Before the Carnival Fantasy Parade show started, the staff were clearing up the space. We sat on the floor and waited patiently for the parade

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Carnival Fantasy Parade video. The parade car was approaching...

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Carnival Fantasy Parade show is started!!

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Many handsome and pretty performers in the Carnival Fantasy Parade show

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Pretty dancers :)

Carnival Square, European Adventure  - Another video of the Carnival Fantasy Parade. Happily dancing with the cheerful song :)

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Big handsome and little handsome were dancing together :) Like the kid's bag, so cute!! :P

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Beautiful queen

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Pretty princess

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Another group of dancers

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Ladies in pink

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Cute and beautiful parade car

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Closed up view of the pretty princess

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Mask at the back of the parade car

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Man in a mask

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Another prince on his way...

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Closed up view of the prince

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Heart shape parade car ♥

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Cute characters on the parade car

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