
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Beautiful Spring in South Korea - Everland Theme Park - Part 1 (Day 8, 11 Apr 2013)

In the morning, we woke up early in order to reach Everland Theme Park 爱宝乐园 earlier so that we could explore the place in one full day. The journey from our guesthouse to Everland Theme Park 爱宝乐园 was around 1-hour plus. We took the subway and bus to reach there. For more information, you may refer to the official website here.

We reached there quite early before the theme park was opened at 9 am. We brought our discount voucher in order to get a cheaper price on the entrance ticket, but when we purchased our tickets, the staff told us that it was a special day during our visit and we can get a buy 1 free 1 promotion!! We were so lucky and happy!! :)

I recalled that after we entered the theme park, we got no idea which place we should start to explore when we were looking at the theme park map. Luckily, one friendly staff there saw us need some help when he was sweeping the floor and he kindly recommended to us which place to go first and where we can get our lunch :) He can speak English fluently with us too!!

During our visit, coincidently it was the Tulip Festival in the theme park! Many beautiful tulip flowers were in the theme park. I was so excited and happy when I saw the beautiful flowers there and also captured a lot of photos with the beautiful flowers :) I felt was at the tulips field in Netherland!! Due to the many many photos I took in this theme park, I will share these photos in separate posts... Enjoy the photos of the beautiful flowers below... :)

Everland Theme Park 爱宝乐园 - It was Tulip Festival during springtime! Spotted this at the bus stop

Everland Theme Park 爱宝乐园 - Free shuttle bus to go to the theme park

Everland Theme Park 爱宝乐园 - Information board at the entrance about the theme park map and ticket price

Everland Theme Park 爱宝乐园 - Beautiful flowers at the entrance

Everland Theme Park 爱宝乐园 - My entrance ticket!

Everland Theme Park 爱宝乐园 - The staff welcomed us with some dancing before the theme park was opened

Global Fair - Wonderful and beautiful flower garden!!

Global Fair - Of course, I need to take pictures with these beautiful flowers!! :P

Global Fair - Spotted these 2 cute mascots of the theme park, so I faster took a picture with them :)

Global Fair - Strong and cold wind was blowing towards me (4 degrees of Celcius!)

Global Fair - Another part of the tulip flowers garden

Global Fair - Such a dreamland with so many beautiful flowers!

Global Fair - Grand Emporium (Everland gift shop). Beautiful and colourful building architecture. A bit looks like the Moscow Kremlin

Global Fair - Oh I love these beautiful flowers!! :)

Global Fair - Look at those flowers hanging in the air!!

Global Fair, Pororo shop - Pororo!! I'm not so familiar with this cartoon, but it is very famous among kids nowadays!

Global Fair - Wondering whether the flowers are real?! Love the combination of the colours! So lovely :)

Global Fair - Red tulips

Global Fair - Many flowers which was the first time I've seen in my life!! So excited!! :P

Global Fair - More different colours of tulip flowers

Global Fair - Yay!! Another photo of me and tulip flowers :)

Global Fair - Behind the purple tulip flowers ♥

Global Fair - I felt like I was in a dreamland ♥

Global Fair - Another beautiful flower garden!

Global Fair, Kizcovery - A safe playground where moms and kids enjoy together

Global Fair - Sky Cruise

Global Fair, Sky Cruise - Took cable car to another side of the theme park - European Adventure

European Adventure - Royal Jubilee Carousel

Global Fair - Took a cable car back here to watch our first show in the theme park - Pororo 3D Adventure. The show was in Korean language, and we couldn't really understand it, but it was fun though :)

Global Fair - Pororo 3D Adventure show

European Adventure, Four Seasons Garden - Festival Train - Took a cable car here to find a restaurant to have our lunch.

European Adventure, Four Seasons Garden - Nice Holland Village at the back

European Adventure, Four Seasons Garden - Had our lunch at Cucina Mario Pizza and Pasta restaurant

European Adventure, Four Seasons Garden - Interior view of Cucina Mario Pizza and Pasta restaurant

European Adventure, Four Seasons Garden - Our delicious pizza and pasta

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