
Monday, May 20, 2013

Beautiful Spring in South Korea - Songaksan Mountain & Sanbang Mountain (Day 4, 07 Apr 2013)

After visiting Teseum 泰迪熊野生动物园, we were hungry, so we asked our driver guide for lunch recommendations preferable to seafood. So he brought us to a seafood restaurant where we can eat some fresh abalones!!

I'm not really sure what is the name of the restaurant, but the restaurant is just located opposite the beautiful sea. And we can also see Sanbang Mountain 山房山 from the far. This is the first time we tried seafood on Jeju Island. This is the first time I ate fresh abalones! Normally I just eat from the tin. :P I really like to eat fresh abalones! Delicious... :) The restaurant provides free refillable water and coffee too!!

On the way to lunch... Nice weather :)

After our driver guide parked the car, we took the opportunity to snap some beautiful scenery photos opposite the seafood restaurant

Brothers Island 兄弟岛

Can see the Sanbang Mountain 山房山 from far... (Very strong wind :S)

We had our lunch at this seafood restaurant

Small abalones and some refillable side dishes

Fresh and alive small abalones. Sorry, we gotta eat you...

Our hot boiling steamboat seafood pot! Very fresh seafood and a very big clamshell!

First time I ate this kind of so big clamshell!

Very crispy fried fish, I can even eat the bones as well!

More fresh seafood in the steaming pot!

Lastly, we added some Ramyeon to the soup! Very nice combination to eat the Ramyeon with abalones! (Beautiful shell of abalone!)

Then, we headed to the next stop - Songaksan Mountain 松岳山 after we had our warm and full seafood lunch. Songaksan Mountain 松岳山 was the filming scene for Dae Jang-geum 大长今 Korean drama. I like the scenery of this volcano mountain, however, we didn't spend much time climbing up the mountain, because our schedule of the day was quite packed!

The map nearby Songaksan Mountain 松岳山

Rock statue near Songaksan Mountain 松岳山

Breathtaking view of Songaksan Mountain 松岳山

Very blue sea near Songaksan Mountain 松岳山

Dae Jang-geum 大长今 Korean drama filming scene at Songaksan Mountain 松岳山

After done with photo shooting at Songaksan Mountain 松岳山. We went back to our rented car again. On the way, we passed by a very beautiful Canola 油菜花 flowers field in front of the Sanbang Mountain 山房山. So we requested our kind driver guide to stop by at the roadside so that we can go near to the Canola flowers field to take photos. I really enjoyed taking photos there :) The scenery was just too fantastic to be real!

Sanbang Mountain 山房山 - Taken this photo from the car. Very rustic feel! :) ('You & I' cafe? Very nice name :P)

Sanbang Mountain 山房山 - Taken this photo from the car again...

Sanbang Mountain 山房山 - Very enjoyed taking photos in the Canola flowers field :)

Sanbang Mountain 山房山 - Bye-bye Canola flowers field :)

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