
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Beautiful Spring in South Korea - Jeju Glass Castle (Day 4, 07 Apr 2013)

After we enjoyed the natural beauty of Jeju Island at Sanbang Mountain 山房山, we headed to the next destination - Jeju Glass Castle 琉璃之城 (around 3:30 pm). All the decorations in this place are made of glass! There many beautiful and cute stuff for us to take photos of there. I quite like this place especially when we were there, the weather was so warm and the sunlight was quite bright. It delighted our mood too :) We spent around 1 hour visiting this spot!

Sharing here some glittering photos :P:

Map of Jeju Glass Castle 琉璃之城 - After our driver guide helped us to take a group photo at the entrance of Jeju Glass Castle, we spent our own sweet time visiting the 'castle'...

Entrance of Jeju Glass Castle 琉璃之城

Spent some time taking photos at the entrance of Jeju Glass Castle 琉璃之城

Jeju Glass Castle 琉璃之城 - Very tall and 'bling bling' tree!

Jeju Glass Castle 琉璃之城 - Hard to capture the whole tree together with me...

Jeju Glass Castle 琉璃之城 - Mini 'bling bling' harp

Jeju Glass Castle 琉璃之城 - Golden hen and its golden egg!

Jeju Glass Castle 琉璃之城 - Mirror Maze

Jeju Glass Castle 琉璃之城 - I was trying to get myself lost in this Mirror Maze :P

Jeju Glass Castle 琉璃之城 - Huge ring!!!

Jeju Glass Castle 琉璃之城 - LOVE ❤

Jeju Glass Castle 琉璃之城 - Miniature glass orchestra. (I like to see the live orchestra sometimes :))

Jeju Glass Castle 琉璃之城 - Very beautiful miniature glass town

Jeju Glass Castle 琉璃之城 - Swan couples (Why do I see my own reflection?! So ugly & scary :P)

Jeju Glass Castle 琉璃之城 - Gold Bullion. It would be so great if they were real ones!

Jeju Glass Castle 琉璃之城 - Glass type of Cinderella's pumpkin carriage! Too bad I'm not Cinderella...

Jeju Glass Castle 琉璃之城 - Cinderella's Glass Slipper

Jeju Glass Castle 琉璃之城 - Beautiful and shining dining place

Jeju Glass Castle 琉璃之城 - Beautiful glass violin

Jeju Glass Castle 琉璃之城 - Beautiful glass drum

Jeju Glass Castle 琉璃之城 - Beautiful glass guitar

Jeju Glass Castle 琉璃之城 - Wishing pond. Can I have it all??

Jeju Glass Castle 琉璃之城 - The pumpkins looked so real!

Jeju Glass Castle 琉璃之城 - Enjoyed strolling around this glass flower garden! :)

Jeju Glass Castle 琉璃之城 - Big love ❤ shape photo frame :P

Jeju Glass Castle 琉璃之城 - Beautiful glass flowers and tree behind me :)

Jeju Glass Castle 琉璃之城 - Bye-bye...

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