
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

My Germany Business Trip Photobook

After spending around 2 months of hard work by sacrificing my precious slumber time and free time on the weekends, I finally able to produce total of 6 photobooks!! The major reason for this is due to my procrastination, so I had to rush the photobooks in such a short period before the expiry date of the vouchers that I purchased through a deal site :P

In order to record down my hard work, I decided to blog down these photobooks as part of my memorable travel moments :) As we grow older, sometimes we can't rely on our brain's memory, sometimes some of the precious moments will just vanish together with the time passed. Why am I feeling like I'm so old now??

This book is the first ever photobook I'd designed. Although I'm lack of designing skills and talent, I'm still satisfied with the end result :) Maybe due to the Matte Lamination type that I'd chosen, the pictures seems a bit dark, I should adjust the pictures to be brighter before submitting it for printing...

Details of this photobook:

Size - 8.5” x 11”
Orientation - Landscape
Cover Material - Image Wrap Hardcover with Protective Lamination (Matte Lamination)
Content Paper Material - Art Paper 150gsm with Matte Lamination
Total Content Pages - 40
Printing Service Company - Pixajoy

Front Cover - Dom Cathedral entrance at Cologne, Germany
Left and Right Content Pages - Dom Cathedral Cologne, Germany
Content Page - Me in front of the Dom Cathedral entrance at Cologne, Germany. Thanks to the uncle from Canada who helped me to take the photos :)
Content Page - Strolling around the area nearby Dom Cathedral at Cologne, Germany
Content Page - Back view of Dom Cathedral at Cologne, Germany. Thanks again to the uncle from Canada who helped me to take this photo :)
Content Page - Took the wrong bus and stopped here to wait for the next correct bus to go to office in the morning, clumsy me :P
Content Page - Miss the delicious food in the office canteen..
Back Cover

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