
Friday, January 25, 2013

My Angkor Wat Trip Photobook

Time flies... So fast it passed one month after last year's Christmas... Oh, my memory still stuck at last year's Christmas! :( I wish time can fast forward till my next coming travel trip... (But I will be growing older very soon, I have complicated mind :S)

This Angkor Wat trip is happened since 4 years ago, after viewing the photos, I feel that I became old too fast :( Anyway, it is still a good memory especially traveled together with my friend :) Although my outlook became old, I wish I can still stay young at my heart as long as I can...

I tried to design this book with ancient look theme to match with Angkor Wat's architectures. Since the size of this book is smaller, I spent some time to think about how to fit the photos nicely with a smaller page size. The end result is quite satisfied :) Sharing here with some of the details of the book.

Details of this photobook:

Size - 6” x 8”
Orientation - Landscape
Cover Material - Cheap 'n' Chic Softcover (Gloss Lamination)
Content Paper Material - Art Paper 150gsm with Gloss Lamination
Total Content Pages - 40
Printing Service Company - Pixajoy

Front Cover - Beautiful reflection of Angkor Wat on the lake
Content Page - Arrived at Siem Reap Airport
Content Page - My younger days (4 years ago...); I like my 'Music Save My Life' T-shirt, no music no life! If no music in my life, I will be bored until die...
Content Page - Les Artisan D'Angkor - Handicraft center for the wood and stone carving
Content Page - Day 2 - Picture taken in the hotel while waiting for tour guide to bring us to visit Angkor Wat
Content Page - The South Gate of Angkor Thom
Content Page - The South Gate of Angkor Thom, very beautiful entrance
Content Page - Bayon Temple
Content Page - Another must not miss photo shooting spot
Content Page - Elephant and Leper King Terrace
Content Page - The tree roots are swallowing the temple!
Content Page - Banteay Srei temple - Built by women and for women to stay too...
Content Page - More beautiful cravings at Banteay Srei temple
Content Page - Finally I reached here - Angkor Wat!
Content Page - (Left page) Inside Angkor Wat! We were nearly got lost due to too many nice pictures to take, and tour guide didn't notice that we were not following closely :S... (Right page) Climb up Bakheng Hill for half an hour to view beautiful sunset
Content Page - (Left page) Nice sunset at Bakheng Hill temple (Right page) Day 3 - After breakfast at hotel, we were going the largest lake in South East Asia - Tonle Sap Lake
Content Page - Waiting for flight departure to home... Bye Siem Reap!
Back Cover

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