
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Discover City Life in Hong Kong Trip - The Peak Tower, Madame Tussauds Wax Museum and Sky Terrace 428 (Day 4, 08 Sep - 14 Sep 2012)

In the evening, we headed to 山顶凌霄阁 The Peak Tower after visited Ocean Park. On the way of walking from MTR Central station to The Peak Tower, you will pass by some famous landmarks such as 中国银行大厦 Bank of China Tower, 长江集团中心 Cheung Kong Center, 圣约翰座堂 St. John's Cathedral, 圣约翰大厦 St. John's Building. Click here for more information on how to get to The Peak.

After we reached the ticket counter of 山顶缆车 The Peak Tram, we spent quite some time to queue up in order to get into the tram car. After about half an hour, finally reached our turn to ride on The Peak Tram. It takes about 10 - 15 minutes per journey. It was really an amazing experience to ride on the tram car because the tram car track gradient is from 2 degrees up to 27 degrees. So you can imagine how astonishing is the old style tram car that it can climb up a slope hill while having a breathtaking view on the outside from the tram car's window.

山顶缆车 The Peak Tram
山顶缆车 The Peak Tram - 李嘉诚 welcomed us at the ticket counter. Long queue to ride on the tram car :(

Once we reached The Peak Tower, there were some souvenir shops that selling many variety of souvenirs to visitors. Of course, I took the opportunity to get a post card there. Based on my research, there is a post office in The Peak Tower, therefore I can take the chance to sent post card back to my home :)

After that, we headed to 杜莎夫人蜡像馆 Madame Tussauds Wax Museum. In this wax museum, you will see many famous wax figures of celebrities - Pop Stars, Asian Stars, Kung Fu Stars, Hollywood Stars, Sports Stars, Royalty, World Leaders, Cultural Figures, Characters. We spent around 1 and a half hour here and felt quite satisfied as we took photos with almost all the wax figures there :)

杜莎夫人蜡像馆 Madame Tussauds Wax Museum - (left) 陈慧琳 and (right) 李小龙 Bruce Lee welcomed us at the entrance
杜莎夫人蜡像馆 Madame Tussauds Wax Museum - 成龙 Jackie Chan. Can't take photo with him with your own camera, only the staff there can take photo for you with their camera
杜莎夫人蜡像馆 Madame Tussauds Wax Museum - 吴君如
杜莎夫人蜡像馆 Madame Tussauds Wax Museum - (left) 杨紫琼 Michelle Yeoh (right) Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt
杜莎夫人蜡像馆 Madame Tussauds Wax Museum - I wish I can own a grand piano...(I'm dreaming now :P)
杜莎夫人蜡像馆 Madame Tussauds Wax Museum - (left) 张柏芝 (right) 阮经天
杜莎夫人蜡像馆 Madame Tussauds Wax Museum - (left) 郭富城 Aaron Kwok (right) 李冰冰
杜莎夫人蜡像馆 Madame Tussauds Wax Museum - (left) 刘德华 Andy Lau - Forgot to feel his hearbeat (right) 古天乐 Louis Koo - Love to watch his comedy and romance movies
杜莎夫人蜡像馆 Madame Tussauds Wax Museum - (left) 周杰伦 Jay Chow (right) 李连杰 Jet Li
杜莎夫人蜡像馆 Madame Tussauds Wax Museum - Madame Tussauds
杜莎夫人蜡像馆 Madame Tussauds Wax Museum - Barack Obama - "Hello, this is Obama's office, is there anything I can help you?"
杜莎夫人蜡像馆 Madame Tussauds Wax Museum - The Royal Family (left) Princess Diana (right) Queen Elizabeth II & HRH The Duke of Edinburgh
杜莎夫人蜡像馆 Madame Tussauds Wax Museum - 张国荣 Leslie Cheung - Happy Birthday to you, Leslie :)
杜莎夫人蜡像馆 Madame Tussauds Wax Museum - (top) I'm part of the oil painting!! (bottom) Shakespeare
杜莎夫人蜡像馆 Madame Tussauds Wax Museum - (left) 杨利伟 - China Astronaut (right) 毛泽东
杜莎夫人蜡像馆 Madame Tussauds Wax Museum - (left) 周恩来 (right) 胡锦涛
杜莎夫人蜡像馆 Madame Tussauds Wax Museum - (left) Albert Einstein - E=mc2 (right) buyPablo Picaso
杜莎夫人蜡像馆 Madame Tussauds Wax Museum - I'm having breakfast with McDull & Madame Mak
杜莎夫人蜡像馆 Madame Tussauds Wax Museum - (left) Johnny Depp (right) Pierce Brosnan (James Bond)
杜莎夫人蜡像馆 Madame Tussauds Wax Museum - (left) 甄子丹 (right) 黎明 Leon Lai
杜莎夫人蜡像馆 Madame Tussauds Wax Museum - Audrey Hepburn. My head is big!!
杜莎夫人蜡像馆 Madame Tussauds Wax Museum - (left) Marilyn Monroe (right) Shahrukh Khan
杜莎夫人蜡像馆 Madame Tussauds Wax Museum - Sports Stars: (left) Giant 姚明 Yao Ming vs Mini me (middle) David Beckham - Nice to hug, hahaha... (right) 刘翔
杜莎夫人蜡像馆 Madame Tussauds Wax Museum - (left) Elvis Presly - Reminds me about my broken guitar... (right) Michael Jackson
杜莎夫人蜡像馆 Madame Tussauds Wax Museum - (left) Madonna (right) Lady Gaga
杜莎夫人蜡像馆 Madame Tussauds Wax Museum - (left) Twins (right) 邓丽君
杜莎夫人蜡像馆 Madame Tussauds Wax Museum - (left) 杨千桦 - No chance to hear her laughing sound (right) 古巨基 Leo Ku
杜莎夫人蜡像馆 Madame Tussauds Wax Museum - 梅艳芳 Anita Mui

After we happily done with photo shooting in 杜莎夫人蜡像馆 Madame Tussauds Wax Museum, we headed to 山顶凌霄阁摩天台 Sky Terrace 428. Coincidentally, we reached there at 8 pm, therefore we had the chance to view the Symphony of Light again!! :) But this time we were viewing on top of the hill.

山顶凌霄阁摩天台 Sky Terrace 428 - Watched Symphony of Light again :)

The last stop in The Peak Tower was the The Peak Tower Post Office. I quickly wrote my post card and purchased stamps from stamp vending machine then sent back to my home :)

Lastly, we queued up quite some time again to take the tram car and back to Wong Kok to have our dinner at 云吞成面食 restaurant and I ate 炸酱面 noodle for my dinner. We went back again to this restaurant, because during that time every bowl of noodle was selling at HKD 13 and we were lazy to find other restaurant for our dinner due to we were too exhausted at end of the day.

I wanted to try out the dessert in Hong Kong, therefore, after we ate dinner and rested a while in the hostel, we went to 许留山 Hui Lau Shan dessert shop to eat dessert. I've ordered their famous mango dessert, the mango was really sweet, yummy!!

许留山 Hui Lau Shan dessert shop - (top left) 什果亮晶晶 (top right) 水蜜桃流心 Peach pudding (bottom left) 香滑芒果布丁 Mango pudding (bottom right) 芒椰红豆小太子 Mango coconut milk with read bean smoothie

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