
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Discover City Life in Hong Kong Trip - Ocean Park (Day 4, 08 Sep - 14 Sep 2012)

This day was the day for another theme park visit - Ocean Park. In Ocean Park, many cute animals can be seen here. Of course the most attractive one is the adorable pandas :) I also enjoyed to watch the dolphins and sea lions show there.

Besides seeing the animals, the amusement park also offers various games to the visitors. So, I took the opportunity to enjoy with the games there :) Although the weather was hot, but blue blue sky can be seen, and it made our mood good too...

During our visit, we spotted many Halloween theme decorations in the park. Some skeletons were hanging on the trees and cute pumpkins on the grass... Haha...

Bus 629 to Ocean Park - The only bus I took in Hong Kong. I sit at the upper level of the bus, nice experience!
Ocean Park Entrance
梦幻水都人工湖 Aqua City Lagoon

After we entered to the park, due to cable car was under maintenance, the only choice to go up to the hill - 高峰乐园 The Summit was taking the 海洋列车 'Ocean Express' train.

Enjoyed the ride with 海洋列车 'Ocean Express' train, the interior design of the train is very cool!! You have to experience it if you visit to Ocean Park!!

After about 10 minutes, we had reached 'The Summit' 高峰乐园. Me at 动感天地 Thrill Mountain. Too bad the Ocean Tower was under maintenance :(
海洋列车高峰站 Ocean Express Summit Station
Nice view from the top of the hill
动感天地 Thrill Mountain - 动感美食坊 Food Corner
动感天地 Thrill Mountain - 翻天覆地 The Flash. Don't dare to play this extreme game!!
冰极天地 Polar Adventure
冰极天地 Polar Adventure - 南极奇观 South Pole Spectacular, the penguins are SO CUTE!!
冰极天地 Polar Adventure - 南极奇观 South Pole Spectacular, the way of penguins walk is too cute and funny
冰极天地 Polar Adventure - 北极购物村 The Lodge. I know I'm a bit too old to wear this, but I can't resist the cuteness of the penguin cap and I like it :P
热带雨林天地 Rainforest - 热带激流 The Rapids

After visiting 冰极天地 Polar Adventure and 热带雨林天地 Rainforest, we had to rush for the 海洋伴我心 Sea Dreams! show at 海洋剧场 Ocean Theatre. The show was started at 11:30 am, luckily we managed to reach there on time. Else, we would be missed out the beginning part of the intelligent and cute dolphins and sea lions performance.

海洋剧场 Ocean Theatre - 海洋伴我心 Sea Dreams! video (Part 1)
海洋剧场 Ocean Theatre - 海洋伴我心 Sea Dreams! video (Part 2)
海洋剧场 Ocean Theatre - 海洋伴我心 Sea Dreams! show
海洋剧场 Ocean Theatre - 海洋伴我心 Sea Dreams! show
海洋天地 Marine World - 水母万花筒 Sea Jelly Spectacular
海洋天地 Marine World - 水母万花筒 Sea Jelly Spectacular
海洋天地 Marine World - Since the cable car was under maintenance, I only can take photo with this display model of cable car
海洋天地 Marine World - On the way to search food for lunch, spotted this cute seat. But it was too hot to sit on it... Ouch!!
动感天地 Thrill Mountain - 动感快车 Hair Raiser. We headed to Thrill Mountain to take the Ocean Express train to 梦幻水都人工湖 The Waterfront
动感天地 Thrill Mountain - 超速旋风 Whirly Bird. Enjoyed the ride, can feel some breeze under the hot sun :)
After reached The Waterfront by taking Ocean Express train, at 2 pm, we watched the sea lion performance show - 海狮开心站 Sea Lion Fun Time Show at 威威剧场 Whiskers Theatre. The sea lions are really well trained, enjoyed the fun show :)
威威剧场 Whiskers Theatre - 海狮开心站 Sea Lion Fun Time Show video
威威剧场 Whiskers Theatre - 海狮开心站 Sea Lion Fun Time Show. Sea lion can blow bubbles too :P
After watching the Sea Lion Fun Time Show, we spent some time to visit the cute PANDAS!! Maybe the weather was too hot, both pandas were sleeping soundly in the exhibition hall... Haha...
亚洲动物天地 Amazing Asian Animals - 大熊猫之旅 Giant Pandas Adventure, this is 乐乐 Le Le (male), you see how cute is his sleeping pose :D
亚洲动物天地 Amazing Asian Animals - 大熊猫之旅 Giant Pandas Adventure, this is 盈盈 Ying Ying (female), another cute sleeping pose
亚洲动物天地 Amazing Asian Animals - 大熊猫之旅 Giant Pandas Adventure. Of course I won't miss the chance to take picture with the cute panda :P Shh... Don't make noise and disturb his sleep..
After visited cute pandas, we watched another show at 威威剧场 Whiskers Theater - 威威笑声剧 Whiskers & Friends Show. We supposed to watch the 七彩升空嘉年华 SkyFair Celebrations show at 七彩升空天地 SkyFair. But too bad that both performances showed at 3 pm and the schedules were clashing, therefore we missed the show.  Then, at 3:30 we watched the bird show - 天上王者 Emperors of The Sky at 雀鸟剧场 Amazing Bird Theatre. Here you can see a different species of birds during the bird show. Later on, we visited 香港老大街 Old Hong Kong street. If you like to take photos of old style of Hong Kong, this place will be ideal for you!  After done with photo shooting in Old Hong Kong, we visited another panda exhibition hall at 香港赛马会四川奇珍馆 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Sichuan Treasures. The hall was crowded and noisy during the time we visited, not really enjoy in an environment like this :(
香港老大街 Old Hong Kong - Old style Ding Ding tram car
香港赛马会四川奇珍馆 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Sichuan Treasures - This is 安安 An An(male), lunch time :)
The Grand Aquarium was the last stop we visited in Ocean Park, there are many special species of marine life can be found here! I'd touched the star fish there, surprisingly the body of star fish is hard as rock!!
海洋奇观 The Grand Aquarium - 叶海龙 Leafy Seadragon
海洋奇观 The Grand Aquarium - Very very big aquarium, the glass is very very thick too
We had to skip the 双龙奇缘 Symbio! musical laser fountain show at 梦幻水都人工湖 Aqua City Lagoon which was performed at 7 pm, due to time constraints and we gotta rush to the next destination - The Peak.
梦幻水都人工湖 Aqua City Lagoon - Before leaving Ocean Park, spotted a small rainbow here!! Beautiful :)

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