
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Stuff bought in Singapore

I bought many things during this second time of Singapore trip... Haha... Let me forgot a while about the Singapore Dollar exchange rate!! Got my year 2012 Chinese New Year clothes too! Love the Cheong Sam blouse bought in Bugis Street!

And of course, not to forget to buy some souvenirs for my family, friends and colleagues :)


Zebra stripe one piece dress from H&M (left), red Singapore souvenir T-Shirt (top middle), pink skirt pants (bottom middle), black trousers (right)
Pink souvenir T-shirt from Hang Ten (top left), white polo T-shirt from Hang Ten (bottom left), white souvenir T-shirt from Hang Ten (top middle), pink polo T-shirt from Hang Ten (bottom middle), blue chiffon blouse (right)

Beige pants (left), post cards (bottom left), pink Cheong Sam blouse (middle), 3 Cheong Sam design champaign bottle cover (bottom middle), China silk coin pouches (top right), 2 Cheong Sam design hand phone pouches (top right), biscuits from Candy Empire(bottom right), Xmas marshmallow candies from Candy Empire (right), blue polka dots umbrella (right)

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