
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Celebrating Xmas with Friend Trip - Singapore (Day 4, 23 Dec - 26 Dec 2011)

Day 4 - Singapore

Reluctantly, I gotta say goodbye for now to my lovely friend! Appreciated for these few days  of spending my time with her :) Hopefully, we still can meet more often and travel in some other places in future...

Took my bus in the early morning 8am, and my friend woke up early and sent me to the MRT station too... Thanks and I will miss you :)

Awaiting for our next gathering once you back to KL! Take good care :)

Bukit Gombak MRT station - Before entering, a policewoman wanted to check my luggage in order to avoid terrorist activities while I suppose to rush to the bus station , she said: "You're so pretty, no worries!". And my reaction: "Huh? What's the logic?! Haha..." Anyway, thanks for the praise! Of course I know I'm not that pretty... Haha :P

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