
Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Kiwi Life - New Zealand, Queenstown, Wanaka, Franz Josef (Day 9, 09 Jun - 21 Jun 2011)

Day 9 - Queenstown -> Wanaka Puzzling World -> Franz Josef

In the morning, we reluctantly packed our luggages and prepared to leave Queenstown and headed to Wanaka. Before we leave this beautiful Queenstown, we took the last chance to walk around the Lake Wakatipu and captured more beautiful scenery photos! One unforgettable experience with the parking in Queenstown is since parking is hard to find, we finally managed to get to park at a 2 hours parking lot. However, due to we parked over the time limit, we got a present from Queenstown state government - summon (NZD 25)!!!

In the afternoon, after approximately 2 hours drive, we finally reached the destination we wanna visit in Wanaka - Puzzling World. The Puzzling World is an amazing place that having a lot mysterious scientific things to see. Due to the time limit and weather, we only able to enter to the indoor - Illusion Room. We have skipped the outdoor part - The Great Maze. The entrance fees for Illusion Room is NZD 12. There is a free entrance fees place that allows visitors to capture picture - Leaning & Tumbling Tower. There are some free puzzles games provided at the cafe areas for the visitors to play.

After having some fun and many crazy photos taken in Puzzling World, before the sky getting dark, we gotta rush to our next destination - Franz Josef. After around 4 hours driving, we finally reached the Chateau Franz Josef backpacker. By the time we reached there (about 8:30pm), we are so worried that the receptionist of the backpacker has left the office. Luckily the staff there is kind enough to leave the room key for us, else we gotta overnight outside the room during winter time... (P/S: During dragging my luggage to the room, my luggage has scratched due to the rocky road at the parking area... sob sob...)

After long and tired day, after having our instant noodle dinner, we slept early and rest more to prepare for the exciting and adventurous day tomorrow for the Franz Josef Glacier walk!

Lake Wakatipu, Queenstown - Beautiful scene around Lake Wakatipu
Lake Wakatipu, Queenstown - Ducks are swimming happily on the lake in the beautiful morning!
Lake Wakatipu, Queenstown - Zoom in one of the beautiful duck standing in front of me :P The lake water  is so clear!
Lake Wakatipu, Queenstown - So relaxing to walk at the lakeside!
Lake Wakatipu, Queenstown - Saw this cute parachute-boat when helping my friends to capture group photo!
Queenstown - Bye bye Queenstown! Hope that I can come here to visit again!
Leaning Tower, Puzzling World Wanaka - This is the free entrance spot that many visitors took their crazy photos! Haha...
Roman-Style Toilets, Puzzling World Wanaka - While wondering why my friends took so long in the toilet, then we go to toilet area and finally realized the answer! If you sit beside the picture wall, the picture will create the illusion that you are one of the person in the picture too! Amazing! Even each of the toilet room and toilet bowl having different special designs!
Tumbling Towers, Puzzling World Wanaka - Crazy building architecture! Visitors really can stand inside the building banner area and take photos!
Hologram Hall in Illusion Rooms, Puzzling World Wanaka - Amazing 3D hologram photo of Marilyn Monroe with sexy pose! It's very real compare to this photo if you watching it in person there!
Hologram Hall in Illusion Rooms, Puzzling World Wanaka - When my beautiful fingers touch this, the wonderful rainbow color lights appear! Hehehe...
Hall of Following Faces in Illusion Rooms, Puzzling World Wanaka - Fantastic effect if you walk around this room! You will feel that the faces are watching you while you passing by them! Albert Einstein's face are there too!

Tilted House in Illusion Rooms, Puzzling World Wanaka - Watch the ping pong ball can roll from the bottom to the top! Mind blowing experience!
Tilted House in Illusion Rooms, Puzzling World Wanaka - Watched out when you entered this room, it is very sliding, it tilted at 15 degree angle! We cannot stand still in long duration in this room, as we  felt dizzy! Once you pressed the button, the chair will move from bottom to the top like elevator...
Ames Forced Perspective Room, Puzzling World Wanaka - There are 2 doors located at each end of the room, when 2 person stand in front of each door, one will look like giant human, another will looks like hobbit! Haha... Fun!
Chateau Franz Josef backpacker, Franz Josef - Finally get ready to sleep and prepare for the 4.5 hours glacier walk!!

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