
Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Kiwi Life - New Zealand, Franz Josef (Day 10, 09 Jun - 21 Jun 2011)

Day 10 - Franz Josef

Today is the exciting day for the Franz Josef Glacier walk. Before departing, I'm worried whether I'm able to take this challenge to walk on the glacier for 4 hours! Finally I'm able to make it and become one of the memorable achievement in my life! According to my friend, we must try this experience before the glacier melted due to the global warming!

In the morning, we woke up early and quickly prepared ourself to this Franz Josef Glacier walk. We reached the glacier guide center and booked the Half Day Glacier Experience trip. The duration for this trip takes up to 4.5 hours and including the time at ice area is 2 hours. We took the trip at 12:30 pm and the trip cost is NZD 123 included glacier hot pool. There are something need to be prepared before the trip, such as not to wear clothes or pants that will easily get wet for examples jeans, this is because Franz Josef is located in the rainforest, and it is always raining there. In addition, the things that need to bring along such as food, drinks, sunglases, camera, and backpack.

Before departing, the guide gave us some briefing in the guide center and guide us to wear the equipments provided by them. The equipments provided such as Breathable Rain Jacket, Waterproof over-trouser, Socks and sturdy boots, Crampons (with small waist bag), Woollen hats and gloves. According to our handsome tour guide, he said there are only three glacier areas which located in the rainforest, one of them is in New Zealand - Franz Josef. It means the weather there will not be too freezing cold.

Let's see some awesome pictures below!

Franz Josef - We reached the Franz Josef Glacier guide center! Yeah!
Franz Josef - The tour included glacier hot pool!
Franz Josef - Franz Josef Glacier Guide center ticket counter
Franz Josef Glacier - We will ride this bus to Franz Josef Glacier!
Franz Josef Glacier - After hiking around 30 minutes, we passed by a beautiful waterfall before reaching the ice area.
Franz Josef Glacier - This signboard is warning the visitors not to explore the glacier without guide. It is very dangerous as you might get lost or the glacier might collapse!
Franz Josef Glacier - After walking long hours, we finally reach the bottom of the glacier hill!
Franz Josef Glacier - We continue our journey to reach the glacier area! Climbing up...
Franz Josef Glacier - We finally reached our destination! Blue blue glacier ice! Amazing view from the top!
Franz Josef Glacier - Zoomed-in view of the blue glacier ice!
Franz Josef Glacier - After 2 hours plus of walking, the tour guide let us have picnic lunch at this beautiful glacier! The first time of having picnic at this unique venue! Haha :P
Franz Josef Glacier - Love this pit of the glacier very much! So milky blue! But beware not to fall into it!
Franz Josef Glacier - Before the sky getting dark, the handsome tour guide rushed us to prepare to go back and say goodbye to this beautiful glacier! During winter time, the sky is getting darker earlier (around 4:30pm), therefore,the tour guide wanna ensure our safety and prohibit us to spend more time in photo shooting!
Franz Josef - Finally we are back to the guide center, this is the crampon with the boots. Without this equipment, it is very hard to walk on the glacier!
Glacier Hot Pool, Franz Josef - After having our dinner, we went to the hot pool and have a relax water soaking experience there! It is so relaxing after we had a tired glacier walking journey in the afternoon! (P/S: We bumped into a kiwi's family that same group with us during glacier walk tour in the afternoon!)
Glacier Hot Pool, Franz Josef - Relaxing our body at this fresh and natural water hot pool in this rainforest! The degree of water is up to 40 degrees, really suitable for us in this winter!

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