
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Kiwi Life - New Zealand, Dunedin, Otago Peninsula (Day 4, 09 Jun - 21 Jun 2011)

Day 4 - Oamaru -> Dunedin -> Otago Peninsula

After spending one cold night in Olive Grove backpacker at Oamaru, time for us to depart to another city - Dunedin.

I like Dunedin city, it is a city mixed of modern and historical feelings. During our stay in Dunedin, we visited a few interesting places - Dunedin Cadbury Chocolate Factory, Larnach Castle, First Church of Otago, Dunedin Railway Station, and Baldwin Street.

If you have the chance to visit Baldwin Street, you should experience the driving on the most steepest road in the world of this street! You will never regret this exciting moment! Sit back and relax by viewing my photos as below, enjoy ya!

Icy flowers from Olive Groove backpacker's garden. We spent a very cold night stay there, I even wore winter jacket to sleep, too bad the heater is not functioning well :S
On the way to Dunedin - A lot of cows! I love the fresh milk in New Zealand! Fresh and sweet :)
On the way to Dunedin - Nice weather and sunrise! Picture shooting from the car...
Dunedin Cadbury Chocolate Factory - we'd joined the guided tour! Weekend entrance fees is cheaper compare to weekdays due to you are not able to see the actual process of chocolate making by the factory workers.
Dunedin Cadbury Chocolate Factory welcome us! Hehe...
Dunedin Cadbury Chocolate Factory - Mountain of Cadbury chocs!
Dunedin Cadbury Chocolate Factory - Delicious chocolate bar decoration!
On the way to Larnach Castle - Breathtaking view shooting from the top of the hill!
On the way to Larnach Castle - Amazingly that cows can climb up high hill!
Larnach Castle at Otago Peninsula - Before entering this castle, we didn't know about the myth of ghost stories of this castle! Haha! Therefore, we enjoyed taking photos of this beautiful castle without any fear! Then, after visiting and I read some of the travel guide brochures, only then I noticed that maybe visitors will bump into some spirits in this castle!
Larnach Castle at Otago Peninsula - Beautiful flowers found in the Larnach Castle's garden
Larnach Castle at Otago Peninsula - Cupola
Larnach Castle at Otago Peninsula - Another beautiful flowers found in the garden
Larnach Castle at Otago Peninsula - Nice scenery photo take from South Seas Garden
Larnach Castle at Otago Peninsula - Special plants
Larnach Castle at Otago Peninsula - According to the myth, this is the haunted ballroom!
Nice building in Dunedin. Since we have nothing to do, we walked around Dunedin city at night and do some photo shooting :)
Building in Dunedin - Nice night view!
Dunedin Railway Station - Full of historical feel!
Baldwin Street - The steepest street in the world! (Guinness Book of Records)

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