
Monday, September 19, 2011

The Kiwi Life - New Zealand, Mount John, Oamaru (Day 3, 09 Jun - 21 Jun 2011)

Day 3 - Lake Tekapo -> Mount John -> Oamaru

After visiting the amazing and beautiful Lake Tekapo, we continue our journey to Mount John. We planned to view the romantic starry sky for the previous night, unfortunately we didn't have the chance due to the bad weather. However, it is a wonderful experience to capture more nice scenery photos of Lake Tekapo shooting from the top of Mount John. The winding road of Mount John is also another memorable driving experience!

For Oamaru, the purpose we visiting there is to look for the cute penguins, but again too bad, we reached there too late! Penguins are back to their sweet home around 5:00 pm! Gentle reminder: If you wanna watch the cute penguins going back to their nest from the sea, be sure you need to standby before 5 pm. In addition, penguins are camera shy too, DO NOT use flash while taking photos!

After 1 hour driving on the winding mountain road, we finally reached the top of the Mount John, and here is the astronomy center!
Nice lake view shooting from the top of Mount John
Another nice lake view! Can see snow mountain at the opposite!
Amazing view of Lake Tekapo! Love the milky blue water so much!

Panoramic view of Lake Tekapo outside Astro Cafe. Can view the awesomely beautiful snow mountain and milky blue Lake Tekapo from the top of Mount John!
After taking a lot of nice photos, we decided to relax and have some desserts in Astro Cafe! Hot desserts are yummy especially during winter time!
Yeah! We finally came down from Mount John and heading to next destination - Whitestone Cheese Factory!
On the way to Oamaru! Many sheeps again (but their fur are shaved off), pity them chilling in this winter time!
Nice weather and relaxed mood! Oamaru, we're coming...
More photos captured especially during nice weather!
Whitestone Cheese Factory - Oamaru. Say cheese! Too bad, during weekend, no visiting hours for the guests!
We are waiting patiently for the red light to turn green! While waiting, it's the chance for me to snap some photos again! Hehe...
Yellow Eye penguin - Bushey Beach Road, Oamaru. Free entrance for penguin viewing spot, but we reached there too late, cannot see any penguin :(
Oamaru Blue Penguin Colony - Again we reached there too late! But I'm able to snap this cute roadside! Give way to penguins! Hehehe...
Oamaru Blue Penguin Colony. Entrance fees required!

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