
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Exotic Bali - Padang Padang Beach and Blue Point Villas & Spa (Day 1, 26 Aug 2013)

Yay! Finally, I passed my professional certification exam!! Additional cert to beautify my resume... :P However, I might lose my job any time soon again due to the company's financial crisis =.= (真实世界是很残酷的!) If this really happened, I will have a lot of time to spend on my personal stuff, such as new house renovation, updating my blog, learning to play new piano score, learning to bake cake/cookies/desserts and etc... Anyhow, fearing the unknown is useless... So, I just have to prepare to accept the fact... Haha...

Recently, my sister discovered an interesting website - Postcrossing ( regarding exchanging postcards with some random people somewhere in the world! Since I'm a postcard collector, therefore I quickly signed up myself! A few days ago, the system randomly picked a 26 years old China guy (a postgraduate student) for me to send a postcard to him! After checking out his profile, found out that he is such a romantic guy because he wants to collect the postcards and blessings from people around the world in order for him to propose to his girlfriend!! Hope he will be successful but it might take quite some time to collect the postcards! :P 

Erm... too much off-topic stuff I wrote here, let me back to this post topic... After we had our late lunch at Malioboro Ayam Lunak restaurant, without waiting any longer, we directly went to the next destination - Blue Point Villas & Spa. During the journey, we passed by a beautiful beach called 'Padang Padang Beach'. This beach was crowded with some Western tourists. We didn't really spend a lot of time here, because our driver just dropped us for a while at the roadside and let us take some pictures there.

On the way to Blue Point Villas & Spa, spotted this artistic statue

On the way to Blue Point Villas & Spa, passed by Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK) Cultural Park. But it was not included in my itinerary.

Signboard of Padang Padang Beach

Padang Padang Beach - View from the top

After we took very few pictures of Padang Padang Beach, just a short distance away, we reached Blue Point Villas & Spa. Why did I select this place to be included in my itinerary? The answer is I wanted to see the romantic designed chapel and beautiful swimming pool in this hotel! This hotel also offers a pre-wedding photo shooting package in their hotel. Coincidently, during our visit, we saw a pair of couples taking their pre-wedding photos there! The scenery of the hotel is really perfect for pre-wedding photos :)

However, since we were not the guests of the hotel, we were actually not allowed to go into the area of the swimming pool and chapel. From what I researched from the forum, the only way to take pictures there is to have tea time there. So we ordered some soft drinks (as other things on the menu are very expensive) at the cafeteria and then we spent some time taking beautiful photos there... Hehe :P

Blue Point Villas & Spa - Spotted lovely couples were taking their pre-wedding photos in the garden

Blue Point Villas & Spa - Swimming pool in the garden

Blue Point Villas & Spa - Had our tea time at this cafeteria

Blue Point Villas & Spa - Balinese statue at the entrance

Blue Point Villas & Spa - Reception area

Blue Point Villas & Spa - Super beautiful swimming pool!!

Blue Point Villas & Spa - Can overlook the beautiful sea from the swimming pool too!

Blue Point Villas & Spa - Me and the romantic designed chapel! It was locked and my driver asked me to try to sneak in to take a photo. But I did not dare to do that! Thanks to my driver - Mr Komang who helped me to take this pic!

Blue Point Villas & Spa - Perfect location for pre-wedding photo shooting

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