
Monday, July 29, 2013

Beautiful Spring in South Korea - Everland Theme Park - Part 3 (Day 8, 11 Apr 2013)

Finally, I've successfully debugged my Robot script and moved on to another part!! Quite a productive working day! :) Yay!! Happy... :)

So this post will be the last post of my Everland Theme Park trip. Continuing from Part 1 and Part 2, after we watched the exciting Carnival Parade, we walked around the theme park and tried to find some games to play. So we queued up to play in the Rotating House. I felt a bit dizzy while I was playing that game because the room seems to be rotated in 360 degrees!

European Adventure - Took a picture with beautiful flowers again :)

Space Tour, Zoo-Topia - Stone case of Ghost - Exciting 4-dimensional picture with Everland characters (We didn't enter this)

Animal Riding, Zoo-Topia - Very cute camel

Animal Riding, Zoo-Topia - Very cute pony

Zoo-Topia - Passed by a popcorn stall and I was hungry during that time! So I bought a small pack of popcorn as my tea time snack :)

Zoo-Topia - Super cute popcorn container!!

Rotating House, European Adventure - We queued up for quite some time and only reached our turn! While queuing, I enjoyed my popcorn :P

Rotating House, European Adventure - In the house! A bit dark and scary feel...

After playing the exciting game in Rotating House, we went to see beautiful birds at Bird Paradise. Visitors are allowed to feed the birds there. But, I don't dare to feed them as I am scared that they will peck on my palm :S

Wooden Roller Coaster, European Adventure - The steepest roller coaster in the world!! I don't dare to play this game!!

Bird Paradise, Zoo-Topia - Beautiful yellow bird :)

Bird Paradise, Zoo-Topia - Birds on somebody's hand!! I like the blue colour bird!!

After we had some pleasure time with the tame and cute animals, then we queued up for about half an hour in order to enter the Safari World. Safari World kept a few wild animals such as tigers, lions and bears. There are 10 Panthera tigris, 8 white tigers, 1 liger, 15 brown bears and 3 thibetanus. Quite exciting when you can see those wild animals walking freely at a very near distance to you!! But in my opinion, I still think the A'Famosa Animal World Safari in Melaka and Night Safari in Singapore are more 'exciting' but a bit dangerous as the Safari tram car is not covered!! I still remember how the shining leopard eyes stared at me when I walked by them in Night Safari, Singapore (they were not kept inside the fences!!)...

Safari World, Zoo-Topia - We queued up for about half an hour for this!!

Safari World, Zoo-Topia - Cute white cubs... Looks like kittens!!

Safari World, Zoo-Topia - Cute design of Safari bus

Safari World, Zoo-Topia - Lazy white tigers

Safari World, Zoo-Topia - Panthera tigris

Safari World, Zoo-Topia - Liger

Safari World, Zoo-Topia - Now only I realised bear is very tall!!

Safari World, Zoo-Topia - Bear in bath

Safari World, Zoo-Topia - Bear in cute pose :)

After the Safari World tour has ended, we decided not to wait for the Moonlight Parade which was at 7:30 pm. So we paid our last visit to the beautiful Four Season Garden and took as many photos as we could. And lastly, we also spent some time shopping at the souvenir shop, I bought a Madagascar lanyard there :) This ended with our tour of Everland Theme Park...

Safari World, Zoo-Topia - Another photo with beautiful flowers (Please scroll down and skip this if you got bored :P)

Zoo-Topia - Giraffe with blue blue sky :)

Zoo-Topia - Very tall giraffe and very short me :P

European Adventure - We decided to skip watching the Moonlight Parade :(

Four Season Garden, European Adventure - Near sunset time made the flower garden more charming...

Four Season Garden, European Adventure - Me at 'Secret Garden'

Four Season Garden, European Adventure - Flower chair

Four Season Garden, European Adventure - Colourful tulips sea

Four Season Garden, European Adventure - More tulips

Four Season Garden, European Adventure - Me with a cute fan tree

Global Fair - On the way to the entrance, spotted him!! Thanks for the cute pose! :P

Grand Emporium, Global Fair - Spent some time shopping for souvenirs here

Grand Emporium, Global Fair - Took a picture at this scene for the 2nd time (Please scroll down and skip this if you got bored :P)

Grand Emporium, Global Fair - Love the pink tulips :) (Please scroll down and skip this if you got bored :P)

Grand Emporium, Global Fair - Ah... This time the tulip lights were turned on!! (Please scroll down and skip this if you got bored :P)

The reason we left Everland Theme Park earlier was that that day was the last shopping chance for hunting snacks and souvenirs... So we took the metro to Lotte Mart for the second time!! This is the first time ever I bought so much stuff until I need to pack them in a carton!! Actually, I was influenced by my friends... Haha... Because they said put all the stuff in the carton and treat it as checked-in baggage will be easier for packing! I didn't do that before in my past travel trips... I will post the photo of my supermarket haul in a later post soon... Hehe :P

I remember I took some time to search for a suitable size of the carton in order to fit all my stuff in. Then, maybe I looked clumsy while packing the carton, but one Hong Kong lady was so kind and helped me to seal the carton and tie it properly!! Thanks a lot :) She looked very experienced in this!!

On the way from Everland Theme Park to Lotte Mart, passed by this Gangnam bus station

After done shopping, we carried our shopping haul from Lotte Mart to the taxi stand (This time we headed to the correct one!)

While waiting for the cab in the queue, found some time to shoot a photo of the unique architecture of Seoul station

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Beautiful Spring in South Korea - Everland Theme Park - Part 2 (Day 8, 11 Apr 2013)

I'm back again!! :) Recently, I'm busy with my work and my head is filled up with Robot script's syntax and keywords now!! The worst part is I'm still stuck in debugging mode :( I hope my training trip to Germany is resumed so that I can improve my skills...

So here I'm continuing to update my post on Everland Theme Park in order to relax my mind... You can click here for Part 1 of the Everland Theme Park post. After we had our Italian lunch at the restaurant in the theme park, we continued our exploration of the theme park... We rushed to watch the Madagascar Live show at Grand Stage. The show started at 12:30 pm. Photography and video shooting are prohibited during the show. But at the end of the show, the audience is allowed to take some photos. Overall, I enjoyed watching the show, many cute Madagascar characters appeared!! :) As the whole show was conducted in Korean plus I'm don't really understand Korean, it was a bit hard for me to concentrate :(

Four Seasons Garden, European Adventure - Passed by the beautiful tulip garden. Nice musical instruments kind of flower decoration!

Four Seasons Garden, European Adventure - Cute statues in the tulip garden

European Adventure - Watched Madagascar Live show at 12:30 pm

European Adventure - Before the Madagascar Live circus show started, there was a magic show

European Adventure - End of the Madagascar show, we had a short period of time to take photos of the characters on stage before they bided goodbye to us

European Adventure - End of the Madagascar show video. 'I like to move it, move it...' :P

European Adventure - Madagascar characters at the entrance

After we came out from the Madagascar Live show, we were back in the tulip garden again! We took a lot of beautiful photos in this garden... Too many different colours of tulips that was the first time I had seen them. I was too excited to see beautiful flowers!! Then, we queued up and took a ride on the train to enjoy the whole view of the tulip garden. The train was moving slowly and I had a lot of time to take photos of the tulip garden :)

European Adventure - Festival Train passed by!!

Four Seasons Garden, European Adventure - Very grand and beautiful stage

Four Seasons Garden, European Adventure - Beautiful flowers and nice architecture in the background

Four Seasons Garden, European Adventure - Another part of the tulip garden

Four Seasons Garden, European Adventure - Fake but very cute tree

Four Seasons Garden, European Adventure - Looks like a windmill in Holland

Four Seasons Garden, European Adventure - More and more beautiful tulips

Four Seasons Garden, European Adventure - Me in the flower coach

Four Seasons Garden, European Adventure - By the time we reached here, the show was ended

Four Seasons Garden, European Adventure - Reached our turn to take a ride!! Yay!!

Four Seasons Garden, European Adventure - Nice Holland village view from the train :)

After we took a relaxing ride on the train, we decided not to watch more shows as we can't really understand the Korean language :P So, we went to play some games in the theme park. We chose to play with laser guns and shoot some ghosts at Mystery Mansion. After the end of the game, you can check your score at the entrance area.

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Passed by this Skyway, but the queue was too long, so we gave up

European Adventure - Had fun with laser guns at Mystery Mansion

European Adventure - Our aim was to shoot down the ghosts at Mystery Mansion

After we had the fun playing some games. The more exciting show was coming - Carnival Fantasy Parade!! The show started at 2:30 pm, so we quickly rushed to Carnival Square and picked the best location in order to take nice photos. I took some videos and a lot of pictures during the show, hope you will enjoy them :)

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Schedule board of Carnival Fantasy Parade show

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Before the Carnival Fantasy Parade show started, the staff were clearing up the space. We sat on the floor and waited patiently for the parade

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Carnival Fantasy Parade video. The parade car was approaching...

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Carnival Fantasy Parade show is started!!

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Many handsome and pretty performers in the Carnival Fantasy Parade show

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Pretty dancers :)

Carnival Square, European Adventure  - Another video of the Carnival Fantasy Parade. Happily dancing with the cheerful song :)

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Big handsome and little handsome were dancing together :) Like the kid's bag, so cute!! :P

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Beautiful queen

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Pretty princess

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Another group of dancers

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Ladies in pink

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Cute and beautiful parade car

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Closed up view of the pretty princess

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Mask at the back of the parade car

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Man in a mask

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Another prince on his way...

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Closed up view of the prince

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Heart shape parade car ♥

Carnival Square, European Adventure - Cute characters on the parade car