
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Beautiful Spring in South Korea - Petite France (Day 7, 10 Apr 2013)

Time flies again!! Two days just passed by my birthday! Happy birthday to me!! ♥ I just wanna wish for 2 'H's in my future life - Happy and Healthy :) I think when you feel happy, you will feel yourself beautiful too :P So, being happy is very important!! :)

Before I start to share my experience of visiting Petite France 小法国村 in Korea, I would like to share my thought about reading the book 'Le Petit Prince' 小王子. I like to read books and books are part of my assets. Haha... I take good care of them. I read various categories of books such as romance, relationships, novels, investment, health, life and etc... I read 'Le Petit Prince' 小王子 for a few times, and every time I read this book will generate different thoughts :)

Sharing here the quotes I love the most about 'Le Petit Prince' 小王子:

"What is essential is invisible to the eye," the little prince repeated so that he would be sure to remember. "It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important."

My 'Le Petit Prince' 小王子 book in Chinese version (Actually I read Chinese faster than English :P)

My 'Le Petit Prince' 小王子 - Highlighted the quotes which I love the most :)

Back to the topic... After we visited Nami Island, we quickly rushed to the bus stop and waited a while to go to Petite France 小法国村. We got a discount voucher for the entrance ticket (printed from the Korea Tourism website before visiting Korea). By the time we reached there, the sky was getting gloomy and the wind was blowing strongly... Petite France 小法国村 also was the filming spot of 2 Korean dramas - Beethoven Virus and Secret Garden 秘密花园. I watched 'Secret Garden' 秘密花园 this drama before, love the story of the drama!

There are many sculptures of Petite France 小法国村, and all of them are good targets for photo shooting :) Due to the rain half way visiting the outdoor of Petite France 小法国村, we gotta sheltered ourselves in the indoor exhibition room. There are also a lot of very delicate little sculptures of France in the room. I took a lot of photos in the room, sharing here with you:

Petite France 小法国村 - A France cultural village in Korea. While we were sleeping soundly on the bus, the bus driver woke us up to take a nice view photo of the whole Petite France 小法国村.

Me at the entrance of Petite France 小法国村

Petite France 小法国村 information board

Petite France 小法国村 information board about the best photo zone

Petite France 小法国村 map

Me and the handsome Le Petit Prince 小王子

Spotted beautiful pink cherry blossoms in the garden of Petite France 小法国村

Beautiful French decorations on the table

Spotted another beautiful flower pot on the ground

Petite France 小法国村 theatre - We missed the schedule, the show was over

Petite France 小法国村 theatre - One of the King characters in the book of 'Le Petit Prince' 小王子

Petite France 小法国村 - Very beautiful and colourful French-designed buildings

I'm Hyun Bin 元彬... Haha :P

Petite France 小法国村 - Many dolls in the indoor exhibition room

Petite France 小法国村 - Spotted Eiffel Tower sculptures!! My favourite design of sculptures!

Petite France 小法国村 - Some special sculptures inside the glass cupboard!

Petite France 小法国村 - White piano! So lovely :)

Petite France 小法国村 - The knight

I'm too big to ride on this aeroplane :P

Petite France 小法国村 - More Eiffel Tower sculptures!!

Me and Le Petit Prince 小王子 and his planet :)

Me and Le Petit Prince 小王子 (a bigger version of him)

Petite France 小法国村 - Nice place to sit down and relax, but the rain was started :(

Petite France 小法国村 - Nice and beautiful wall! (The wind was strong...)

Petite France 小法国村 - Beautiful tulips :)

Petite France 小法国村 - Goodbye Petite France 小法国村...

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