
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Beautiful Spring in South Korea - Toppokei Mukshidonna at Anguk (Day 2, 05 Apr 2013)

This weekend I have to do my work at home :( My poor weekend... However, work is always endless... Therefore, I find some time to do my personal stuff and update today's post.

After we took our Hanbok look photos at Namsangol Hanok Village 南山谷韩屋村, we headed to Anguk 安国 to have our lunch. We passed by a girl high school then we reached the Toppokei Mukshidonna restaurant. This restaurant is very famous with the Toppokei (Korean stir fried rice cake), also it was introduced by many TV shows before. Once we reached the restaurant, the long queue was really shocked me! We waited about 10 to 15 minutes only reached our turn. In order to speed up and don't let the customers to wait for too long, while we were in the queue, the waitress asked us to place our order, so that when it reaches our turn, our food will be ready to be served.

Once the waitress brought us to our seats, the food we ordered was already served on our table, very efficient! I really like to eat the Toppokei at Mukshidonna restaurant although I normally don't eat spicy food. This lunch was the cheapest and most delicious Toppokei I tried in Korea! It is really worth to wait and queue in order to taste this delicious typical Korean cuisine :) If I visit Korea again, definitely I will taste the Toppokei in this restaurant one more time!

Passed by a stall in the Seoul metro subway that sells snacks
Very high and long escalator in the subway tunnel
On the way to have our lunch, passed by this Starbucks cafe which the shop sign is written in Korean words
On the way to have our lunch, passed by a girls high school. I like their school uniform, so beautiful... Eh, spotted a cool guy standing at the corner! :P
On the way to Mukshidonna restaurant...
Many shops around this area too
Reached Mukshidonna restaurant finally, many TV shows introduce this restaurant before!
See the long queue at Mukshidonna restaurant!! We were queuing at the very end!
While we were queuing, we placed our order - Toppokei with cheese, seafood and instant noodles (Ramyeon)
Entrance of Muskhidonna Toppokei restaurant
Some magazine articles reported for Muskhidonna Toppokei restaurant
Hot boiling Toppokei steaming pot!! Good for us to eat during cold weather :)
Another hot boiling Toppokei steaming pot with different ingredient - beef, vegetables, Udon noodles and meat dumplings
Very big mussel! Very delicious... Yum yum :P After we finished the food, there was some left over gravy of the Toppokei, and the waitress asked us whether we want to use the remaining gravy to fried with rice. However, we were too full that time and we unable to eat more, too bad...

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