
Monday, May 13, 2013

Beautiful Spring in South Korea - Namdaemun Market & Ewha Womans University Street (Day 3, 06 Apr 2013)

Before I continue with this post, I would like to wish to all lovely mummy - HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!! ♥ (And I just finished celebrating with my lovely mum :))

For this Day 3 morning of our Korea trip, we went to Namdaemun Market 南大门广场 as the first stop. When we reached Namdaemun Market 南大门广场, it was drizzling... We felt so cold due to the rain and especially when wind blew to us! I bought some souvenirs in this Namdaemun Market 南大门广场 and I enjoyed to shop here :) If there was no rain, I guess I will be more happier to shop and buy more souvenirs here :P We also went to the E Block (Level 2) Accessories Wholesales E 栋大都综合商楼, but I didn't manage to buy anything there...

After done shopping at Namdaemun Market 南大门广场, we were not sure about the exact location of the nearest entrance of Dongdaemun History & Culture Park metro station. Therefore, we tried to ask a young local guy that passed by us. He was very kind and helpful to use his smartphone's Google Map to show us the direction! Lastly, he even brought us directly to Namdaemun Market 南大门广场 :) I feel that many of the Korean locals are very friendly and helpful to tourists :) (Previously, in Gwanghwamun Square 光化门广场, we asked direction from a pair of Korean local couples, they were very helpful to show us the direction too :)...)

Namdaemun Market 南大门广场 - Drizzling...
Namdaemun Market 南大门广场 - A lot stalls that sells ginseng, clothes, accessories, souvenirs and etc...
Namdaemun Market 南大门广场 - Went into this shopping mall due to the wind was getting stronger, and we felt very cold!
Namdaemun Market 南大门广场 - Passed by this under construction Korean palace
Namdaemun Market 南大门广场 - A helpful local guy brought us the nearest Namdaemun 南大门  metro station! I bought 2 pairs of very cute socks here :P

After buying cute socks in Namdaemun Market 南大门广场, we headed to the second stop - Ewha Womans University 梨花女子大学. According to my friend's research, we can find cheaper and trendy fashion apparels here... Before we started our shopping journey here, we went into one shopping mall - YES a pM due to too cold weather outside (about 3 - 4 degrees). There was a wedding banquet held in the hall which located at one of the floor of the shopping mall. When we passed by, I took the chance to peek into the wedding banquet! It was really grand, I saw a live orchestra band in the middle of the hall! And most of the guests wore traditional Hanbok costume. 

After staying indoor in the YES a pM shopping mall for a while, we felt warmer and decided to start our shopping journey along the shop lots on the street! I bought 3 pieces of cheap clothes here! I really enjoyed the shopping experience here compared to other areas in Seoul. This is because I able to find the cheaper, suitable and stylish clothes here.

On the way to Ewha Womans University 梨花女子大学. Spotted Hello Kitty advertisement in the metro station.
On the way to Ewha Womans University 梨花女子大学. Spotted a candy vending machine in the subway station.
On the way to Ewha Womans University 梨花女子大学. 7 stops more from Dongdaemun History & Culture Park station
Reached Ewha Womans University 梨花女子大学 metro station
Spent some time in this shopping mall to keep ourself warmer due to rain and cold wind...
Ewha Womans University 梨花女子大学 - Bought 3 clothes from this shop :)
Ewha Womans University 梨花女子大学 - Many young and stylish clothing shops can be found here
After done with shopping, on the way to the metro station
Ewha Womans University 梨花女子大学 metro station - Very strong wind until my umbrella couldn't take it :S

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