
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Beautiful Spring in South Korea - Jungmun Daepo Coastal Columnar Jointed Lava & Oedolgae Rock (Day 5, 08 Apr 2013)

I cramped my left shin just now after a workout at the gym... Ouch :S (A bit suffered to walk back home :() Luckily, my fingers are OK, so I will continue to update today's post... Hehe :P

This was the 2nd day we spent on Jeju Island. In the morning, after we had our breakfast (bread and soya milk bought from 7-Eleven the previous night), we packed our luggage and prepared to check out from White Scenery Guest House. Our driver guide arrived at our guest house very punctually at 8 am. After we put our luggage at the back of the car, we began our journey to explore more of Jeju Island :)

This first stop of the day - Jungmun Daepo Coastal Columnar Jointed Lava 大浦柱状节离. After we bought the entrance tickets, we walked some distance and reached there. The scenery view was really beautiful, especially the weather was very bright and warm too :) However, we didn't really spend much time here... Before we left this place, we bought some tangerines from the local aunties that selling at the entrance. Jeju Island is famous for its tangerine plantations. After I tasted it, I feel that the tangerine's skin was thick, but it was quite sweet. But, I personally still prefer the honey tangerines from China...

Checked out from White Scenery Guest House

Some decorations in the lobby area at White Scenery Guest House

Beautiful Canola flower nearby White Scenery Guest House

On the way to Jungmun Daepo Coastal Columnar Jointed Lava 大浦柱状节离, spotted the cute rock statues 石头爷爷 again!

Jungmun Daepo Coastal Columnar Jointed Lava 大浦柱状节离 - We finally reached here! This is the sample photo on the information board.

Jungmun Daepo Coastal Columnar Jointed Lava 大浦柱状节离 - Information board

Jungmun Daepo Coastal Columnar Jointed Lava 大浦柱状节离 - Very huge seashell at the entrance area!! I like to collect seashells too, but this is too big for me to bring back home :P

Jungmun Daepo Coastal Columnar Jointed Lava 大浦柱状节离 - Very bright sunny day in the morning

Jungmun Daepo Coastal Columnar Jointed Lava 大浦柱状节离 - My camera version of the Lava's photo

Jungmun Daepo Coastal Columnar Jointed Lava 大浦柱状节离 - Not easy to take pictures of the Lava, thanks to my friend who was willing to stand up high on the bench in order to get a better view

Jungmun Daepo Coastal Columnar Jointed Lava 大浦柱状节离 - Before leaving the place, passed by a fresh seafood roadside stall

Jungmun Daepo Coastal Columnar Jointed Lava 大浦柱状节离 - Before leaving the place, we took photos with the cute rock statues

After that, we headed to the next destination - Oedolgae Rock 独立岩. Since my semi-pro's camera batteries were dried up since the end of the previous day, I only can rely on the old digital camera. Unfortunately, it seemed like it was having some mood swings too, where sometimes it allowed me to capture a photo very quickly, but sometimes it refused to let me press on the shutter and capture the photo :( (Had to try with a few attempts) Sigh...

I recalled that by the time we reached Oedolgae Rock 独立岩, there was also a bunch of tourists from China who came down from the tourist bus too! I guessed we came at the wrong time, a sudden crowd of people at the same spot is no good for taking photos :( It was very hard for us to avoid the crowd and take some nice pictures...

There is a spot where the Korean drama Dae Jang-geum 大长今 was filmed. Since it seemed like a long distance to reach there, therefore we didn't spend time walking to the place.

On the way to Oedolgae Rock 独立岩, passed by Jeju World Cup Stadium. Our driver-guide told us that it was held for FIFA World Cup 2002 before!

Oedolgae Rock 独立岩 - Beautiful Canola flower garden nearby the parking space

Oedolgae Rock 独立岩 - Direction board

Oedolgae Rock 独立岩 - Spotted a very beautiful pink cherry blossom tree at the parking space

Oedolgae Rock 独立岩 - Zoomed in to view clearly the beautiful pink cherry blossom flowers

Oedolgae Rock 独立岩 - Finally can take a picture while avoiding the crowd

Oedolgae Rock 独立岩 - Before leaving, take another photo with the pink cherry blossom trees

Oedolgae Rock 独立岩 - Before leaving, take another photo with the Canola flowers garden

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