
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Crabs on the Island - Pulau Ketam Trip (27 Oct 2012)

My auntie suggested to visit Pulau Ketam on the weekend, since we were free then we went together with her. Before the trip, I was a bit worried about the weather, as during these few months, almost everyday is a rainy day. Luckily, it didn't rain during that day we visited Pulau Ketam instead it was a pretty hot day during day time. And I forgot to bring my umbrella, so my skin became darker again after the previous Hong Kong trip :(

This is the first time I visited Pulau Ketam, before the trip, I thought the name of this island maybe is just randomly chosen. After I stepped on the island, I fully understood, the name is really matched the island, in fact the island is full of crabs :P

Overall, I enjoyed with the food on this small island, hopefully I can come here to taste the fresh seafood again :)

Took KTM train at Kuala Lumpur station. Like the ancient architecture of this train station.
Our train has arrived, we were heading to Port Klang station.
Interior of the new KTM train, equipped with LED indicator board and LCD TV. Enjoyed the ride with this new KTM train, it is comfortable although the speed of the train is a bit slow.
After 1 hour, we finally reached the last station - Port Klang.
Port Klang harbour
We queued up to buy the ferry tickets to go to Pulau Ketam
On the way to take a ride with ferry
Many boats on the jetty
This is the ferry we took to Pulau Ketam, RM 7 per way.
Picture taken in the ferry, spotted this huge ship on the sea :)
After about 1 hour, we reached Pulau Ketam, YAY!!
Spotted many little crabs on the beach... I like to eat crabs... haha
Fire station in Pulau Ketam
Chinese temple in Pulau Ketam
Another Chinese temple in Pulau Ketam
Another small Chinese temple in Pulau Ketam
Beautiful flowers from a villager house
Bitter gourds from a villager house
Giant salamanders on the beach
Not sure is this the ship making factory??
Hot but beautiful sky :)
Round egg plant from a villager's house
After tired of walking, we had our lunch. We ordered delicious La La Kuih (fried clams cake) from this stall.
Love to eat this La La Kuih (fried clams cake) a lot, yum yum :)
Lunch at Pin Heong Seafood restaurant. We ordered fried bitter gourds with pork, fried stew fish and fried mantis shrimp
Bicycle is the main vehicle inside the island
Recycling center - As the island is quite polluted with the plastics bottles, therefore this center is built to encourage the villagers to reduce the pollution
Nice bridge on the sea
Many houses are built on top of the sea
Most of the villagers own a boat
Not sure what is on the boat
Another part of the island
As the last boat back to the Port Klang jetty is at 6pm, time to say goodbye to Pulau Ketam...

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