
Friday, October 12, 2012

Discover City Life in Hong Kong Trip - Temple Street, Avenue of Stars and Symphony of Lights (Day 2, 08 Sep - 14 Sep 2012)

After we had our dinner, we took MTR subway to 油麻地 Yau Ma Tei station to visit 庙街 Temple Street night market. We reached there around 6:30 pm, I think we were a bit early as the stalls were just opened for business. We didn't spend much time to walk at the night market as we had to rush for the next destination - 星光大道 Avenue of Stars.

As I know the 幻彩詠香港 Symphony of Light show is performing at 8 pm everyday, therefore we gotta quickly took MTR to 尖沙咀 Tsim Sha Tsui station. We reached 星光大道 Avenue of Stars around 7:30 pm and we found a strategical place to get a perfect view for Symphony of Light show. We still had to wait for another half an hour before the show started, so we patiently enjoyed the breeze at seaside and watched the cruise sailed on the sea. It was a pleasant night with this relaxing experience :) (P/S: I observed that there were two Korean tourists who were sitting beside me, they were configuring settings of their DSLR cameras before the show started, seemed so pro!! I'm a bit busybody while nothing to do during that time... :P Hehe...)

Finally the Symphony of Light started sharply at 8 pm, I grabbed this opportunity to record some video clips. Sharing here with those videos I captured for your viewing pleasure :)

海景粥店 Hoi King Porridge Restaurant - Had our dinner here
海景粥店 Hoi King Porridge Restaurant - 炸两 rice rolls with fritters
海景粥店 Hoi King Porridge Restaurant - 皮蛋艇仔粥 minced pork porridge with perserved egg
海景粥店 Hoi King Porridge Restaurant - Fritters
Me at 庙街 Temple Street night market
庙街 Temple Street night market
尖沙咀 Tsim Sha Tsui MTR station
星光大道 Avenue of Stars - So crowded :S
星光大道 Avenue of Stars - Before 幻彩詠香港 Symphony of Light show started
星光大道 Avenue of Stars - Panorama view

星光大道 Avenue of Stars - Before 幻彩詠香港 Symphony of Light show started, video captured with some cruises on the sea
星光大道 Avenue of Stars - 幻彩詠香港 Symphony of Light show opening part
星光大道 Avenue of Stars - 幻彩詠香港 Symphony of Light show laser lights
星光大道 Avenue of Stars - 幻彩詠香港 Symphony of Light show, more laser lights
星光大道 Avenue of Stars - Need to queue up to take photos =.=
星光大道 Avenue of Stars - 3, 2, 1... ACTION!!
星光大道 Avenue of Stars - Nice night view (P/S: Spotted some locals jogged here at night)
星光大道 Avenue of Stars - "What are you looking at, director?"
星光大道 Avenue of Stars - "Hmm...This angle is a perfect!!"
星光大道 Avenue of Stars - I found 刘德华 Andy Lau's palm print before the others discovered, hahaha!! YEAH! (P/S: Flash light a bit too strong)
星光大道 Avenue of Stars - Again a big crowd at this famous spot, can't find a good angle to shoot with 李小龙 Bruce Lee
星光大道 Avenue of Stars - Night night 李小龙 Bruce Lee and bye bye Avenue of Stars :)

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