
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Discover City Life in Hong Kong Trip (Day 1, 08 Sep - 14 Sep 2012)

After we bided goodbye to Macao, we departed to Hong Kong in the evening at 5:15 pm by Turbojet ferry. We were late to meet the check in time (6 pm) as agreed for the hostel I booked for Hong Kong. Luckily after I called them on the ferry and telling them not to release the rooms I'd reserved, they agreed to hold the rooms for us. Else, I can't imagine where we would be spending our nights in Hong Kong... Phew...

My first impression about the Hong Kong MTR once I entered into it - "Wow!! That is really pack!! How can I get out of the crowd with my luggages to the station?" After we clumsily got off from MTR and took the super fast speed escalator, we'd reached the exit of Wong Kok station and then we were heading to search for our hostel. There came with my impression of Wong Kok - "Wow!! So many people on the street even at night, everyone is walking so fast, the beeping sound of traffic light for pedestrians is faster than heart beat rate. This is really a busy and fast moving city!"

After I'd spending some time to search for the hostel that I've reserved, finally we can have some rest for our arms - carrying luggages from Macao to Hong Kong, such an exhausting process!! Then, our stomachs were growling and we gotta search for food after a long and tired day... Glad that we reached Hong Kong safely and can have a nice rest while watching TVB station's show on TV in the hostel room :)

Picture taken from Turbojet ferry - I knew I'd reached Hong Kong by seeing so many skyscrapers on the island!! Yay :D
八达通卡 Octopus Card - Bought this card and it is very convenient for the MTR or bus rides. Can get discounts too!
MTR electronic stations indication board - Like this!! So convenient for the visitors!
Interchange station at 中环 Central
旺角 Wong Kok MTR station - Finally we had reached the place for our hostel
先施大厦 Sincere House, Wong Kok - Our hostel located here, it is only 5 minutes walk from Wong Kok MTR station
先施大厦 Sincere House, Wong Kok - Interior view of the building
龙群宾馆 Dragon Hostel - Our room, it is very small!
龙群宾馆 Dragon Hostel - The bathroom only can fit one person!!
富记粥店 Fu Kei Porridge Restaurant - Had our dinner here
富记粥店 Fu Kei Porridge Restaurant - 及第粥 pork porridge
富记粥店 Fu Kei Porridge Restaurant - 椒盐三鲜 fried seafood snacks

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