
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Swimming in the flowers sea - Floria Putrajaya 2012 (08 Jul 2012)

This post is flooded with pictures of flowers, if you are a flower lover too, hopefully you will enjoy viewing the pictures below :)

My sister is interested in planting flowers, therefore she wanted to check out more different species of flowers in the exhibition. Since the admission fees is free, of course we won't miss the chance to go and view so many beautiful flowers at one shot. Maybe we went on the last day of the exhibition, some flowers were languishing due to hot weather, but to me they were still very beautiful :P

It was very hot weather that we needed to carry our umbrella while viewing the beautiful flowers at the outdoor. Luckily, there was another indoor exhibition of the flowers, which can let us cool down a bit under the air conditioner. I'm regret that I didn't bring my semi-pro camera, because the flowers were too beautiful and it is a waste to only capture them with my old digital camera :( I should bring the semi-pro camera to zoom in and out of the beautiful flowers while practising my photo shooting skills as well. Hopefully next time I won't repeat the same mistake again...

I've snapped too many photos of the beautiful flowers until my camera's battery was dried out... So I only can filter out those flowers I feel are beautiful to share here.

For more details, you may check out the official website - here.

Entrance of Floria Putrajaya 2012
Beautiful flower garden
Long chilies
Big cabbages
Cute round eggplant
Long eggplant
Giant hibiscus
Indoor exhibition - Some roses were dried :(
Indoor exhibition - Different countries of flowers decoration
Indoor exhibition - Another flowers decoration
Indoor exhibition - Like blue flowers, very unique!
Indoor exhibition - Flowers decoration by Australia (One of my travel wish list, not sure when can fulfil)
Big orchids selling outside the exhibition
Beautiful fountain in the flower garden
Welcome to my house... hahaha :P
Spotted a very cute ladybird on the flower! I love ladybird :)
Giant sunflowers! I guess the sunflowers were a bit tired and sleepy :P
Another beautiful flower garden
Very nice background
So happened that I bumped into this 'Butterfly Man'!!

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