
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Happy shopping family trip - Hat Yai (Day 1, 09 May - 11 May 2012)

This trip is considered as the 2nd 'After Tragedy' trip due to the bomb case happened in Lee Garden Plaza a month ago before we visited Hat Yai. (My 1st 'After Tragedy' trip was in New Zealand which hit by earthquake...) Before the trip, we were considering whether to cancel the trip, but since we'd booked the air tickets, hotel and ground tour, it would be troublesome to cancel it.

According to my mum, this is the second time I visited Hat Yai when I was a kid. But, the memory is vanished from my brain... Haha... Never mind, here I came again to refresh my memory! Hehe :P

Maybe after the tragedy, there were not many foreign visitors came to Hat Yai during our stay there, so I felt the streets were quite empty and quiet. We also saw some polices and soldiers were performing security checks at some shopping malls and parking areas.

Regardless about the closed down of Lee Garden Plaza, we still enjoyed ourself with the shopping and eating around Hat Yai during this Day 1 free and easy trip. We bought many snacks especially Lay's potato chips, it is more flavours selling in 7-Eleven convenient stores there.

Mermaid welcomed our arrival at the Hat Yai Airport :)
Almost everywhere in Thailand can see Thai King's photo
Lee Garden Plaza - The after bombed McDonald's fast food restaurant
On the way to Odean Shopping Mall, saw this hawker stall at the roadside was selling giant prawns! According to my tour guide, it might not be so fresh, so eat at your own risk! Haha...
Odean Shopping Mall - Had our lunch here at the food court
Odean Shopping Mall - Cute decoration toy
Odean Shopping Mall - Famous Bangkok pork leg rice
Kim Yong fresh market
Kim Yong fresh market - Sweet mini pineapple
Kim Yong fresh market - Me eating the delicious pork satay! Yummy :)
Kim Yong fresh market - Found a variety of snacks and candies were selling here
Kim Eng Restaurant 甘英餐馆 - Our dinner
Kim Eng Restaurant 甘英餐馆 - Our dinner
Kim Eng Restaurant 甘英餐馆 - Our dinner
Kim Eng Restaurant 甘英餐馆 - Our dinner. The green curry is a bit spicy for me. Maybe I can't really take spicy food...
Pink Hotel with pink sky?!
Cute slippers!!
Take away and enjoy eating bird's nest sweet soup in our hotel from this shop. THB 100 for a small jar :)
You may spot some pretty and handsome Thai models on the advertising board along the road :)
Public transport in Hat Yai

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