
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Kiwi Life - New Zealand, Christchurch (Day 12, 09 Jun - 21 Jun 2011)

Day 12 - Christchurch

Today we woke up a bit late in the cold and raining morning. I accompanied my friends to search for the Christchurch tax centre in order to get their tax refund after they had ended their working holiday jobs.

After they had done with their tax refund, I felt very hungry and we went to the Fish n Chips takeaway shop to get our lunch. I'm too hungry at that time and gotta eat my lunch in the car... Hehehe...

After dinner time, we went to Pak n Save supermarket to get some food and snack. Luckily the supermarket is opened till quite late, so we still able to get our things there!

Christchurch - Sad to see the beautiful architectures are collapsed after hit by earthquake :(
Christchurch - Buildings are collapsed
Christchurch - GPS doesn't help at this moment to search for the tax centre because most of the road are closed
Christchurch - The street is very quiet and less cars, maybe this area is dangerous, the earthquake might come again?
Christchurch - We can't enter to this area, but actually there are many shops there...
Pak n Save supermarket, Christchurch - We found that most of the things are cheaper in this supermarket compare to the others. Got my manuka honey there!
Christchurch - Saw collapsed buildings again :( It's scary!
Christchurch - Another collapsed buildings again :(
Christchurch - Slightly destroyed architecture
Theo's Fresh Fish & Fish and Chips shop, Christchurch - Bought my takeway lunch! Yummy!
Theo's Fresh Fish & Fish and Chips shop, Christchurch - They sell fresh fish too!
Theo's Fresh Fish & Fish and Chips shop, Christchurch - The salmons looks fresh!
My fish and chips lunch! Can't wait to eat it, it is very delicious and I'm too hungry!
Theo's Fresh Fish & Fish and Chips shop, Christchurch - This shop is also affected by the earthquake!
Kathmandu shop, Christchurch - This brand is quite famous in New Zealand. It sells winter clothings and outdoor activities accessories.
Pak n Save supermarket, Christchurch - Beautiful flowers sells in the supermarket!

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