
Monday, November 28, 2011

The Kiwi Life - New Zealand, Queenstown (Day 7, 09 Jun - 21 Jun 2011)

Day 7 - Queenstown

This is the second day we stayed in Queenstown, in the morning we went to Gondola Skyline. We went up to the hill by cable car to view the beautiful Queenstown on top of the hill. The ticket price for the Gondola is NZD 25.

After done visiting the Gondola Skyline, we reach the entrance of the Kiwi Birdlife Park (located just next to the Gondola Skyline). My friend wanted to see the Kiwi bird as after she spent so many days in New Zealand for working holiday, she still haven't got the chance to see a real Kiwi bird. However, after we checked the ticket price from the ticket booth, we gave up, it's kinda expensive for us!

In the afternoon time, we just spent our time have a leisure walking around the shops in Queenstown. We went to Cookie Time shop, according to my friend, this cookie shop is very famous in New Zealand. And this is the first time I tasted the hot baked cookie in a cookie shop, it's very delicious!

We spent our evening time mostly shopping at the souvenirs shops. I bought a lot Paua Shell jewellery, such as pendant, earrings, bangles and bracelet. I really love the pattern of the Paua Shell, I even bought a pair of fully polished real Paua Shell! Before going for dinner, we took the opportunity to capture some photos around the Lake Wakatipu area. Then, we have our dinner at Fat Badgers Pizza restaurant. The first time ever I ate such a giant size of pizza. Haha. It is very delicious too!

Skyline Queenstown - Finally we have reached the Skyline Gondola! Can't wait to 'climb up' to the hill and enjoy the extraordinary view of Queenstown.
Skyline Queenstown - Queuing up to enter into the cable car!
Skyline Queenstown - Finally we reached the top of the hill and spotted the bungee jump activity. I'm not brave enough to play this extreme game :P
Skyline Queenstown - Nice Lake Wakatipu view! A bit cold standing on top of the hill! Can you see the rainbow from the far?
Skyline Queenstown - Many cable cars coming up and goin down!
Skyline Queenstown - Spotted another rainbow from the restaurant area!
Cookie Time, Queenstown - Delicious hot cookie!
Queenstown - Relaxing photo taking experience around the Lake Wakatipu!
Fat Badgers Pizza restaurant, Queenstown - Very huge pizza and it is delicious too! Can mix with different topping flavours!

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