
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Ancient Angkor Wat (4 days trip, 22 Aug - 25 Aug 2008)

Places Visited:

Day 1:
  • Les Artisan D'Angkor - Handicraft center for the wood and stone carving
  • Night market - To hunt for souvenirs
Day 2:
  • Angkor Wat - The South Gate of Angkor Thom (includes Bayon, Baphuon, Elephant and Leper King Terrace, Phimeanakas), Ta Prohm, Banteay Srei
  • Ta Keo, Thommanon, Chao Say Tevoda temples
  • Bakheng Hill - To view the sunset over Angkor Wat on top the hill
  • Cambodian Ruby and Sapphire shops
  • Buffet dinner restaurant - To view Cambodian traditional show
Day 3:
  • Tonle Sap Lake (Biggest Lake in Asia) - To visit floating village
  • Angkor Silk Farm
  • Souvenir shops
Day 4:
  • Bid farewell to Cambodia

Hotel Stayed:

Tour Expenses:
  • Cambodia International Airport Tax - USD 25 /pax
  • Air Tickets (by AirAsia) - RM 500 /pax
  • Ground Tour (by TopTravel agency) - RM 528
  • Angkor Wat Entrance 1 Day Pass - USD 20
  • TOTAL = USD 45 + RM 1,028

Never think of one day I will visit Angkor Wat, after did some research on the internet, found that Angkor Wat full of many ancient beautiful buildings, therefore my friend and I interested to visit there... Since we not familiar with the Cambodian language, we decided to join the 4D3N tour arranged by travel agency.

Reached Siem Reap Airport
Statues near the gate of the temple complex

Reliefs of aparas at Bayon

Cham warriors in a boat and dead Khmer fighters in the water

Beautiful painting drawn by local artist
Spider web found during the journey
If you knock your heart, you will hear the echo in this room. Amazing! The architecture is built by the ancient king to remember his mum after she passed away.
Tree roots are 'swallowing' the building!
Tree roots didn't covered Buddha's face
Statue of knocking heart - A legend about the King feel sad after his mother passed away, every time he  feel sad he will come into this room.
Banteay Srei is known for the intricacy of its carvings. This carving is of a kala, a mythical creature representative of time and of the god Siva.

Beautiful aparas! The only smiling aparas craving with the teeth seen!

Beautiful reflection on the lake!

After half an hour of hiking, finally we reached Bakheng Hill temple
Beautiful sunset at Bakheng Hill Temple
Many tourists climbed up to the Bakheng Hill temple too!
The Tonlé Sap is the largest freshwater lake in South East Asia

Some stuff bought from Angkor Wat - (from left) blue scarf, purple handmade mini bag, handmade elephant keychains,  local fruit snack, postcards, blue handmade coin purse, blue sapphire bracelet, red ruby pendant, blue sapphire love shape pendant, red ruby ring, fridge magnet, blue mini handbag

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