
Friday, May 31, 2013

Beautiful Spring in South Korea - Tangerine Chocolate Shop, Sangumburi Crater, Emart Shopping Mall (Day 5, 08 Apr 2013)

Today is 'flyday'!! Finally, the weekend is coming soon :) 赖床是对周末最起码的尊重。。。 I need more sleep :P

This post is the end of the Day 5 trip in which we visited Jeju Island. After visiting Seopjikoji 涉地可支, our driver-guide recommended we buy some tangerine chocolates. So, we stopped by for a while at the tangerine chocolate shop. However, we were not really interested to buy any chocolates. I think we spent only 10 - 15 minutes in the shop, then we left the shop.

Tangerine Chocolate Shop

Nice photo spot outside the tangerine chocolate shop

Then, our next stop was Sangumburi Crater 山君不离. Actually, we just stopped by at the entrance area, due to the time being quite late (around 4:30 pm), and the place is quite a big area, so we worried about not having enough time to explore this place. The Sangumburi Crater 山君不离 is closed at 5:30 pm. Therefore, we gave up to visit this place and went to the guest house we booked - Neulsong Parktel.

After we reached the guest house, we bided goodbye to our driver guide and also took a group photo with him. Thanks for his patience and friendliness :) We enjoyed ourselves a lot during the tour with him... When we were trying to check in to our rooms, we only found out that the rooms that we reserved (Princess Double room) were not available due to some mistakes made by the owner when he reserved our rooms. So, we got no choice and stayed in the Image Double room...

Sangumburi Crater 山君不离 - The entrance

Sangumburi Crater 山君不离 - The information board

On the way to our guest house, very very beautiful cherry blossoms along the road!! Too bad that we couldn't go down from the car and take some pictures :(

Neulsong Parktel guest house

Neulsong Parktel guest house - Image Double room

Neulsong Parktel guest house - I like the LCD TV a lot, can see HD quality TV shows! Complimentary internet service and WIFI are available too!

After we left our luggage in our rooms, we prepared ourselves for dinner. Initially, my friend suggested going to eat the BBQ black-skin pork in one famous restaurant, but after we checked with the receptionist of the guest house, seemed like it is quite far away (about 10 minutes drive). Therefore, we just eat the BBQ black-skin pork at the restaurant just located opposite the guest house. After I tasted the BBQ black-skin pork, I personally feel the pork smell was quite strong but the taste was good though!

Took a photo of Neulsong Parktel guest house from the opposite restaurant!

Dinner at BBQ black-skin pork restaurant

BBQ black-skin pork restaurant - We ordered Black Pork Set

BBQ black-skin pork restaurant - The interior of the restaurant

BBQ black-skin pork restaurant - The visitor board, spotted one message written by a Malaysian

BBQ black-skin pork restaurant - A lot of side dishes which were refillable

BBQ black-skin pork restaurant - Abalone porridge

BBQ black-skin pork restaurant - Kimchi soup

BBQ black-skin pork restaurant - BBQ in progress...

After dinner, we wanted to go to the supermarket nearby the guest house. Therefore, we asked the direction from the guest house receptionist. He told us it is about a 10-minute walk to reach the supermarket. On the way to the supermarket, we got lost, so we asked a person who passed by us. Surprisingly, the person we were asking for directions is a Taiwanese, and he was very helpful and friendly to show us the direction to the supermarket nearby - eMart.

Shopping at eMart

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Beautiful Spring in South Korea - Seopjikoji (Day 5, 08 Apr 2013)

Today after I'd checked the calendar, only I realized the same day of today in the next month is my bday!! Time flies so fast in just a few eyes blinks!! And 5 months will be passed by soon in this year... What did I do in the past 5 months?? I think the most interesting thing I did was travelled to Korea!! :P

I hope there are 48 hours in a day, so I can do more things in a day! I decided to slow down the progress of updating my Korea trip travelogue posts due to my next family travel trip which is coming in a few more months soon... I have to start to plan the trip itinerary... Time do to more research and readings now...

So, back to today's topic of the post - Seopjikoji 涉地可支. After visiting Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak 城山日出峰, by the time we reached Seopjikoji 涉地可支 was about 4 pm. There is a church which is the filming scene of the Korean drama - All In 洛城生死恋. I didn't watch this drama before, but I really like the scenery there. I remembered during our visit, the sun was quite bright and hot! But, it was good weather to take photos :) We also spotted a few pairs of couples were taking their pre-wedding photos at this romantic place :) I love the Canola flowers field which is behind the church, a very good spot for pre-wedding photo shooting!

The sad part was my digital camera was out of battery, so I didn't manage to capture more photos :( Wasted the chance to get more photos in the nice weather...

Seopjikoji 涉地可支 - Turtle rock. I was supposed to take pictures with this rock with my camera, but unfortunately, my camera was not functioning well :(

Seopjikoji 涉地可支 - Nice sea view. On the way to walk to the 'All In' Korea drama filming scene

Seopjikoji 涉地可支 - Information board

Seopjikoji 涉地可支 - Can see the church ('All In House') from far, still a few steps more to reach there!

Seopjikoji 涉地可支 - Very relaxing to stroll along the path

Seopjikoji 涉地可支 - Horse riding for visitors

Seopjikoji 涉地可支 - Information board of the 'All In' Korean drama filming scene. Need to pay for the entrance fees, therefore we didn't enter the church.

Seopjikoji 涉地可支 - Since we didn't buy the entrance ticket, therefore this is the only way to take pictures :P

Seopjikoji 涉地可支 - Nice flowers and nice sea view :)

Seopjikoji 涉地可支 - Enjoyed the nice scenery :)

Seopjikoji 涉地可支 - Statue behind the 'All In House'

Seopjikoji 涉地可支 - The pony and its mum :)

Seopjikoji 涉地可支 - A white lighthouse can be seen from here, but we didn't go there

Seopjikoji 涉地可支 - A very romantic perfect spot for pre-wedding photo shooting :) Spotted a pair of Hong Kong couples were taking photos there!

Seopjikoji 涉地可支 - Very beautiful Canola flowers

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Beautiful Spring in South Korea - Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak (Day 5, 08 Apr 2013)

Jeju Island is famous for 3 significant things - A lot of women, a lot of rocks and a lot of wind! Therefore, during the journey, we can see a lot of wind turbines along the roadside. It's is a very environmentally friendly way of power generation :)

After we enjoyed a fun photo session at 3D Trick Art Museum 3D 奥妙艺术馆, we headed to our next stop - Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak 城山日出峰. This is a beautiful volcano mountain where its peak rose from under the sea in a volcanic eruption over 100,000 years ago! However, due to our tight schedule again, we decided not to climb up the mountain (Actually I wish to take a walk on a warm and bright sunny day...). Although our driver-guide told us that it only needs 25 minutes of walking journey to reach the peak and walk down from the peak. But, I guess only his speed can achieve that! Haha...

Before we were taking some photos at Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak 城山日出峰, we were hungry, so we asked our driver guide to recommend a Chinese restaurant for lunch. So he brought us to a Chinese restaurant nearby the Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak 城山日出峰. We had our late lunch (3 pm) at this restaurant named Guo Feng restaurant 国风饭店. I was eager to try the Zhajiangmian 炸酱面 which I always saw in Korean dramas. After I tried it, I personally feel that the taste was just OK. Maybe I'm used to eating with the Malaysian style of fried noodles!

On the way to Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak 城山日出峰, spotted a horse!

On the way to Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak 城山日出峰, spotted some wind turbines along the road...

Lunch at Guo Feng restaurant 国风饭店

My lunch - Zhajiangmian 炸酱面

Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak 城山日出峰 - Nice sunset picture!

Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak 城山日出峰 - A lot of people were taking photos at this popular spot! I waited for quite some time and only reached my turn... Thanks to our driver-guide helped me to take this photo :)

Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak 城山日出峰 - Information centre and photography exhibition

Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak 城山日出峰 - It is one of the UNESCO World Heritage site

Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak 城山日出峰 - Many cute rock statues were selling there. One of my friends bought it too :)

Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak 城山日出峰 - Olden days woman statue of Jeju Island

Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak 城山日出峰 - At the entrance and spotted this information board

Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak 城山日出峰 - Found a perfect spot to take a photo of the mountain. Nice right? Hehe :) (No chance to walk up to the mountain peak :()

Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak 城山日出峰 - Beautiful photo exhibited in the information centre

Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak 城山日出峰 - Information about depositional processes of pyroclastic deposits

Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak 城山日出峰 - Another beautiful sunset photo exhibited in the information centre

Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak 城山日出峰 - Love this photo, especially the blue sky and white clouds!

Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak 城山日出峰 - More information about the formation of the peak

Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak 城山日出峰 - More beautiful photos exhibited in the information centre

Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak 城山日出峰 - Information about Jeju Island