
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Rainy One Day Trip in Melaka (1 day trip, 27 Nov 2011)

Morning -
  • 7:30 am: We gathered at bus stop to wait for our travel bus to go to Melaka.
  • 8:00 am: Chinese Herbal Medicine Company - Had our breakfast there and visitors can purchase some Chinese herbal products there.
  • 11:50 am: Besfomec Factory - Visit chicken essence and bird nest essence factory. Free try to drink bird nest sweet soup!!
Afternoon -
  • 1:30 pm: Stadthuys (a.k.a The Red Square) - Historical structure built by Dutch occupants in 1650. Spent some time capture photos there.
  • 2:00 pm: Jonker Street - Had our lunch (chicken rice ball) there. Also bought some snack in 'San Shu Gong' local snack shop.
  • 4:30 pm: Taming Sari Tower - The ride offers visitor to witness a spectacular and panoramic view of Melaka UNESCO World Heritage city from a height of 80 metres.
Evening -
  • 6:30 pm: GiantB Bee Farm - Visit the bee farm and visitors can purchase fresh and pure honey here too.
  • 8:00 pm: Restaurant Lee - Had our dinner here.

    Tour Expenses:
    • Day Tour (1 Happy Day Tours & Travel) include with breakfast and dinner - RM 68.00
    • Lunch - RM 20.40
    • Snack - RM 36.90
    • TOTAL = RM 125.30

      We had a longer raining season during this year November. I like rainy days if I'm sleeping in my warm bed, however, it is not so fun if it is happened while I'm travelling outdoor. Unfortunately, during this whole trip, 90% of the time it was raining :( And it also affected our itinerary, some of the attractions we had are skipped due to this bad weather. We skipped to visit the famous Portuguese Monument - A Famosa. Although I've visited this place before when I was a young kid, I still hope to revisit this place to refresh my good memory of this place. 

      Anyway, although it is rainy day, we still continued with our journey. It was a public holiday during this trip, therefore it is expected with the traffic jam and big crowd in tourist attraction spot. We stuck in the traffic jam for about 1 hour =.=, then only we able to feed our hungry stomach during the lunch hour. While we queueing up for the famous chicken rice ball meal, unfortunately the rain is getting heavier... oh no...

      After lunch, we went to the famous tourist spot - Stadthuys to do some photo shootings. However, half way photo shooting, it rained cats and dogs again :( We had to find a shelter under the rain. Finally, we got back to our bus since it is impossible to walk around outdoor. Can't imagine that we sat inside the bus around 3 hours without going anywhere!! Hence, we missed the opportunity to visit the famous Portuguese Monument - A Famosa as planned in the itinerary...

      As the sky was getting dark, our tour guide gathered all the tour members and we continued our journey to the next stop - Bee Farm. In the Bee Farm, we had the chance to taste the natural and pure fresh honey! I love the sweetness of the honey taste! 

      After a long and tired day, we had our dinner in Restaurant Lee. Due to we unable to visit many places as planned in the itinerary, our tour guide apologized for that and treated us with more dishes for the dinner meal. However, there are too many dishes until they were unable to fit any more into our stomach... hahaha...

      Sharing here with some blurry photos during the trip (due to bad weather):

      Chinese Herbal Medicine Company - Had our breakfast here in the morning
      Besfomec Factory - Tried a few cups of Bird Nest Soup :)
      Dataran Pahlawan - Passed by a shopping mall
      Taken this 'Welcome to Melaka' wall photo from the bus!
      Church of St. Francis Xavier - Built in 1849
      Passed by Nyonya boutique shop while stuck in the traffic jam
      Stadthuys (The Red Square) - Built in 1650
      Beautiful windmill spotted
      Jonker Street - Many shops and hawkers stalls here! Bought some local snacks here too! Unable to walk in this street due to heavy rain :(
      Chung Hwa Coffee Shop - Tried the famous Hainanese chicken rice ball for lunch. Not that very delicious than I thought, a bit expensive too...
      San Shu Gong local snack shop - Bought some local snack here!
      Jonker Street - Nice deco!!
      San Shu Gong local snack shop - some cute deco inside the building!!
      Christ Church - Tourist Information board
      Christ Church Melaka - Built in 1753
      Stadthuys - Many beautifully decorated tourist tricycle spotted :)
      Stadthuys - Nice ancient clock tower
      Stadthuys - Souvenirs hawker street
      Stadthuys - Beautiful fountain
      Stadthuys - Beautiful tourist tricycle. Taken this photo while sheltering under the heavy rain!
      Cannon spotted!
      Ship Museum
      Spotted an ancient big ship!
      Taming Sari Tower ticketing center
      Taming Sari Tower - RM 10 per ride for Adult with MyKad
      Melaka Duck Tour
      GiantB Bee Farm
      GiantB Bee Farm - The place that bees are kept
      GiantB Bee Farm - Fresh pure honey! Nice scent and sweet :) (P/S: Bee wax cannot be eaten as it is impossible to be digest by human stomach)
      GiantB Bee Farm - Some windows deco to explain different species of bees
      Lee Restaurant - Had our delicious dinner here!